quiz i found saved on my dad's computer from last time i was down here...

Jul 19, 2006 23:19

*The black stuff I did awhile ago but the green I just finished today.

The Basics:

1. First Name: Cora

2. Middle Name: Denai

3. Last Name: Bradley

4. Nicknames: corabelle, dork, and sometimes “talkative one”
5. City: Auburn

6. Guy or Gal: Gal…

7. Siblings: 1 brother, Cj, 1 two year old sister, Abby, 1 11month.sister, Hannah

10. Pet(s): Shorty, Shooter, Sue

11. Hair Color: strawberry blonde/ goldish

13. What hand do you write with: Right

14. Hair: wavy?

15. Do you bite your nails? Yes! >.<

16. Do you stare? Umm…doesn’t everyone?

17. Do others think you're cute? I couldn’t say. -_-”
old yes! ^_^

19. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No…

21. Are you gay? No…..I think im undecided…..
Yes, definitely undecided >.<
22. Who do you idolize the most in the world? Um…..Idk?

23.Who do u have a crush on: surprisingly no one.

24.Where do you shop the most? Walmart >.<
nope! Family dollar!! (lol)
24.Do you think your fashion is cool? Fashion? its not bad, I just don’t follow it...any of it…
(some of it)
25.Do you have any piercings? Yes, my ears-once

26. What do u want pierced: my eyebrow ^_^

27.Do you have a tattoo? No..


28. Do you do drugs? no. ive seen what they do to people…-_- idiots.

29. Do you drink? Not very often at all

30. What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use? Anything..

31. What sport(s) do you play: is reading a sport?

32. What are you most scared of? Becoming a complete pariah. Or becoming a stalker…*shudder*

33. If you could go anywhere, where would it be? Right now? My best friend’s house…

35. What are you listening to right now? My thoughts
Kelly Clarkson!
37. Do you have your own phone line? No.

38. What are the last four digits of your phone number? I don’t think so.

39. What is in your purse right now? Nothing, seeing as its drying out from being swamped the other day..

40. What shoes do you wear: anything my fat feet will get into..

41. What clothes do you sleep in? um, anything comfortable?

42. What kind of car do you have? I don’t drive yet….

43. Where do you want to get married? I don’t know If I want to get married.

44. Favorite Actors/Actresses? Julia Roberts, Julia Stiles, Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, +

45. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? Um..my fat-ness…and my self-centertedness and my know-it-all ness.

46. Who do you really hate? Shane .(lmao). Spencer


49: Number: 11, 15

50. Song: Don’t have one

51. Movie: Don’t have one

52: Candy: Chocolate ^^

53. Clothing: Spagetti Strapper-s!

54. TV show: Don’t have one

55. Food: Chocolate ^^

56. Fast food restaurant: Taco Bell

57. Nail polish color: Dark Blue

59. Subject in school: Spanish

60. Drink: Rasberry Lemonade

61. Scent: Smile

62. Season: Fall

63. Teacher: Don’t have one

64. Game: that I own? Beyond Good and Evil

65. Smoked? Nope

66. Drank? Yep

67. Gotten drunk? No

68. Bungee Jumped? I wish

69. Went movie hopping? yeah

70. Broken the law? Minor things

71. Ran from the cops? Nope

72. Tried to kill yourself? Joked. that’s about it.

73. Made yourself throw up? Cant >.< (tried)

74. Gone skinny dipping? Lol yeah

75. Been In Love? nope

76. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? No, but I get blamed for it all the time.


77. Red: Green

79. Pig: Pink

80. Rubber: condom


81. Barfing on your date or date barfing on you? Barfing on your date. Cuz if they do it to you they’ll kiss your feet ^^

82. Having your appendix out or tonsils? Idk. Never had either of them out and idk what they do ^^”


83. Coolest: Morgan

84. Weirdest: Amie

85. Funniest: Kendra

86. Smartest: Cici (walking dictionary!! ^^)

87. Happiest: Amie

88. Meanest: Kelsey

89. Sweetest: Bree

90: Loudest: Kelsey

92. Cutest: Morgan

93. Who do you go to for advice? Morgan or Cici

94. Who knows all your secrets? Morgan & Kendra

95. Steven: Tall, Ugly and Stupid ^_^ (JK!!!!)

96. Jeremy: Jared’s Dad

97. Missy: miss prissy

98. Paul: broke his glasses

99. Ryan: too cool for everyon else

100. Matt: Shane’s Friend

101. Roxanne: don’t you turn out that red light


102. Eaten an entire pack of KD: KD? Wtf is that?

103. Caused a car accident? No

104. Seen the ocean: swam in it this morning ^^


105. Night or Day: Night

106. Chocolate Chip or Mint Chip: Chocolate

108. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

109. Lion or Tiger: Tiger

110. Love or lust: Lust

111. Gold or silver: Silver

112. Pencil or pen: Mechanical Pencil

114. Rose or tulip: Rose


115. Cried: No

116. Bought Something: No

117. Worn a skirt: NO

118. Gone for a walk: Yes

119 Gone for a drive? Yes

120. Gone out for dinner: Yes

121. Taken a test: No

122. Talked to an ex: Yes

123. Missed an ex: No

24. Watched your favorite movie: No

125. Given someone a present: No

126. Missed someone: Yes

127. Hugged someone: Yes

128. kissed someone : my Aunt on the cheek?

129. Had a nightmare: No

131. Fought with your parents? No

132. What do you feel about the Ouija board? I wish It would work

133. Do you believe in yourself? Sometimes

134. Worst feeling in the world? Like ive disappointed someone

135. Best feeling in the world? Seeing my friends happy when ive helped

136. Are you for world peace? Duh

137. Are you a health freak: HELL no lol

138. Do you have a crush on anyone? Yesh

139. Does that person love you in return? I hope not for both our sakes


140. Do you like filling these out? No

141. How many people are you sending this to? Noone. They can steal it if they want it thought.

142. What do you think of the person that sent this to you? I don’t remember who did send it to me

143. Who will send it back? No one. (take the hint!)

144. How long did this take you? Forever. And a year ^^


145.Boxers or briefs? Boxers

146.Tall or short? Taller than me ( not hard)

147.Dark or blonde hair? Dark

148.dark Dark or light eyes? Dark

149.either Long or short hair? Long

150.Tan or fair? doesn’t matter


151.Chocolate or white milk? Chocolate

152.Root beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper

153.Skiing or Boarding? Boarding

154.Day or Night? Night- you already asked this ?

155.Summer or winter? Summer

156.Diamond or pearl? Diamond

157.Have you ever broke/sprained/fractured a bone? No

158.Tattoo: none. yet

159.What's your favorite color? I don’t have one

160What are your favorite music persons and/or Bands? I don’t feel like listing them all. 161.Everything from Jackson browne to the black eyes peas to kelly Clarkson to metallica
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