To be who you dreamed.

Apr 27, 2007 15:57

I have walked up and down many of the paths in life...always inqiuring, always ready to learn something new. I have been in and out of schools searching for what was "right" for me. I have many interests that they do not teach within a classroom, as annoying as that might be, it teaches you to become your own teacher and find the things you seek without the help of others. But I have finally come back to what I wanted to do for many years. I have wanted to be a make-up artist for over 6 years now. I could never find a school that specialized in just that. I attended the long island beauty school hoping for a way to attain knowledge in make-up, regular and special effects. The l.i.b.s completely disappointed me when it focused only on hair and about a day of make-up. I ended up leaving, because I was not going to settle for something that was not MY dream. Many had their fair share of things to say, but being who I am, I never do thing because others wanted me to. So now 5 yrs later and many undesired classes under my belt, I have found an exceptional school in NYC that has everything I've been looking for. I am starting in october....I'm taking reg make-up...which shows you everything....then I'm taking character make-up which is really insane....I'm VERY excited to finally have a view of my future, however uncertain I know it is:) I do not look at past courses and endeavors as failures or a waste of time...i learned many things...and taking your time is always the best way to go. It is when you travel down
many paths and experience many things that you turn out to know what is truly "right" for you.
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