To not have a question about god.....

Sep 09, 2005 12:04

Upon my re-entry into NCC, I have begun my class on the Philosophy of Relgion...It is most defently up my alley and I feel I will have much to bring to the other people in the class, and maybe even the teacher. The teacher whose name is Mr. Volker (I swear I know him and that godamn name, though I can't recall where from) gave us a passsage from a book to interpret....though some of these students had a deeper sense of knowing...some of the students had not a clue...even the teacher's interpretation had shocked me....we chated, debated and so forth...there is one kid in the class who really needs to chip away at the surface a little more before debating with anyone....though the teacher's final question to us was "what question does religion pose to you"?

Now in all my searching...all my experinces....I did not have one question....I have questioned since I was a young girl and at this point I have crossed so many bridges on the question of religion, sprituality etc..that I don't have a question...But I could not express this to my teacher of course, he would probably think I was being i chose Science Vs. Sprituality....though I know all about this subject I figured once we do discuss it I can answer and give what knowledge I have on it....

If there is something I have a question about, it is not on religion, a higher power or free goes deeper within the surface than that...
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