These are the days

Apr 25, 2019 20:07

 Today is a hard day. As of today, my mom has been in the hospital for a month. Right now, she is going through something called "ICU Delirium" it comes from a combination of coming of off sedation post-surgery and the noise/activity the hospital( especially the ICU) prohibiting a regular sleep cycle.

I think the delirium has been the worst part of this experience because keeping my mother calm through her delusions has been work.  I haven't been telling her things aren't real, just that whatever she's imagining that she's anxious over is fine.

The doggies aren't dying; they're sleeping in the sunny spot.  The bunnies are okay;they'll come back when they're done playing.We can walk the people in people in the park, etc. I've even briefed the nurses.

My job has been amazing throughout all of this.  As long as I can do a weekly check-in call/skype session with my supervisor and make the weekly team meeting they've been great.  Most of my work is internet-based and I already work from home twice a week. It's nice that with all of this happening I don't have to worry about my job giving me a difficult time because before the delirium was fatigue and mom wasn't really aware but not tracking things like she normally could so I've been talking to staff and signing all the forms.

Tomorrow is Awesome Con.  The one year I didn't buy the insurance option is the year I could use it.  I've been coming to the hospital everyday for about 10 to 12 hours a day to sit with my mother.  I was hoping to use the Con as not only as my normal fun time/self-care but also as a bit of a break from the hospital.  I'm not sure if I should go our not. I've downloaded the program guide app and everything that interests me happens early in the day so there's that.

The sad thing is we aren't going to be able to see Avengers:Endgame in the theater together. Or the Godzilla movie as she'll be in a facility for physical rehab by that point. We were looking forward to doing both together. _____________________________________ Originally Posted on Dreamwidth; Comment were you please, Thanks.


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