Alternative thoughts

Dec 06, 2018 21:55

The other thing that annoys me about the whole tumblr situation is that I've been in the early planning stages of starting a new blog 2019. I've been doing a lot of sewing this year and I wanted to start a sewing blog to be a pictorial library of my old projects and to chronicle the process of making new projects.

I had hoped to just create another tumblr since I had an account already and with the app it would be easy to take pictures and make entries and I progressed with my projects. However, with the way things are being flagged my dress form could be dubbed explict. Or even worse, I could come back and find the whole blog disappear overnight.

I've been looking some of the Tumblr alternatives that have been thrown out there. I think really depends on what your interest/ fandom is on where people are going to land. Though for people in multiple fandoms like myself its going to be hard.

I've been thinking about instagram to keep up with artists from tumblr I like there as well as hockey players too. My only hangup is its owned by Facebook, I don't have a facebook account and I've never been interested in being part of that machine. That being said I've gladly welcomed Google as my evil overlord some years past.

Speaking of my overlord, I'm looking into Blooger for my sewing blog. The thing I lie about tumblr was the app which made it easy to use. The other thing I'm looking into is and app for managing all my social media like IFTTT (IF This Then That) or Tweetdeck so I have one place were I can manage different accounts.
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fandom, tumblr, sewing

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