you can have it all (my empire of dirt) - tvd - katherine/elena

May 02, 2013 01:48

Title: you can have it all (my empire of dirt)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing/Characters: Katherine/Elena
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I own nothing and am making no money off this.
Word Count: ~6,600
Warnings: Rough sex. Violence. Bloodplay.
Spoilers: Up to 4x18.
Summary: Katherine doesn't appreciate Elena's impression of her, but she supposes ( Read more... )

fanfic, fandom: the vampire diaries, pairing: katherine/elena, fanfic: femmeslash

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Comments 8

rosaxx50 May 2 2013, 09:36:20 UTC
SO HOT. *Fans self*

I am in love with everything you choose to do with Elena and Katherine's doppleganger relationship. They are both so protective of their differences and individuality, and yet envious about what they think the other has. Added to their history, the violence and blood and anger, trying to mete out punishment, and this is remarkable. The violence that they do to each other is almost overshadowed by their strange power play. \o/

Katherine didn’t get a bodyguard, she didn’t get anyone to help her, no bargains with anyone-just endless running) = yes.

Katherine trying to crack Elena's facade -> Elena succeeding in cracking Katherine's facade = yes.

"Just a copy of a copy of a copy, right? Aren’t you role model, then? Isn’t that what you wanted me to do, right? ‘If you’re smart, you’ll do that same." - asdfl;kjfdsal;kjfdsa YES ( ... )


scorpiod1 May 3 2013, 08:57:32 UTC
Omg thank you so much! :D This comment really made my day, I'm truly happy to hear you liked it (and that you thought it was hot) and that you gleaned so much from it :)

Katherine tried to shape Elena to be more like her, when she thought it wasn't entirely possible, when it wasn't a taunt -- but now that Elena is actually following Katherine's lead, Katherine is reminded again of how fragile her identity can be

Yeeesss, I love all of your thoughts! There must be so many identity issues when you know there's a double of you walking around, living a similar life, I really wanted to play with and explore that, but from Katherine's perspective (and also switched-off!Elena from an outsider POV is really interesting to me) (also porn). Anyway I'll stop babbling but I'm so pleased you really liked this, thank you!

(Poor Rebekah, lol. Forever destined to be part of the Elena/Katherine sex games.)

Lol maybe she can come along next time.


magisterequitum May 3 2013, 14:37:14 UTC
This was really delightful to read.

I'm always fascinated by this relationship between the two of them and the construct of dopplegangers and how you're trapped in tormenting one another for so long as another wears your face and walks about.

I really love how you nailed them picking at one another's brains and trying to dismantle the other, only Katherine ends up the most surprised in the end.

This was just so well done. And completely fantastic writing for sex.


scorpiod1 May 6 2013, 21:28:42 UTC
This comment was delightful to receive so thank you so much! I really appreciate the comment, and I'm very glad you enjoyed it and the relationship rung true for you :)


ever_neutral May 4 2013, 09:07:06 UTC
Okay, so this is an Elena fanwork, but I just have to say: Gods bless your Katherine. Seriously, I’m so WTF/pissed at the show’s recent rendering of Kat that your fic is a breath of fresh air. Like, this:

“Do you honestly feel nothing for this girl,” Elijah says, lecturing, like she somehow needs a lesson on emotions, like he needs to come by and teach her empathy (what good did empathy ever do for her).


“She can live with it. I did.”

Parfait. That’s my Katherine.

“I’ve moved on,” Elena says plainly. “Haven’t you? Or are you still staring at pictures of your dead family?”OUCH. Brilliant. THAT’S MY ELENA ( ... )


scorpiod1 May 7 2013, 06:37:05 UTC
Haha, I feel kinda bad for the blatant "take that" at the show with some of Katherine's dialogue since I don't like to be that obvious with my dislike of canon things, but like. I legit couldn't imagine writing Katherine any other way. I'm glad you appreciated it :)

ELENA IS JUST A TOPPY PERSON IN GENERAL RLY, but yeesss, I really wanted Elena to have agency (given how this whole season is defined by her lack of it) and be the one to initiate it and start it, so to speak? She's usually not in fics. So I'm glad you enjoyed it and the saddish ending (how could I end it any other way). Thank you for reading and commenting :D :D :D


fluffyfrolicker May 5 2013, 07:38:35 UTC

LOVE what you did with their dynamics. Katherine seeing Elena try not to be Elena, and Elena try to be Katherine (because it's the best option she has) and Katherine being surprised by what Elena does, because they may be the same but they're not really. Both of them with an arsenal of weapons to use against the world and occasionally against each other.

Such glorious portrayal of their ~doppelganger status, both of them wanting to be individual and aware of the slight differences and both at the same time afraid that the other is better and that nothing matters because they are the same.


Basically, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH ♥ I couldn't have asked for a better fic ♥


scorpiod1 May 7 2013, 08:12:10 UTC
I AM SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT :)))) I was a bit worried because this wasn't exactly what I planned on doing with the prompt, but it got away from me and turned into this. I really did want to explore the doppelganger relationship and I am just really super glad it worked so well for you :) :)

wanting to be individual and aware of the slight differences and both at the same time afraid that the other is better and that nothing matters because they are the same.

AAAH basically, that, yes. Your thoughts are great.

AND NO THANK YOU FOR THE COMMENT, I am pleased you liked it, and it was a real pleasure to write :))))


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