I tried to come up with a lyrical title but shuffle kept giving me depressing songs

Dec 27, 2011 21:13

So my Christmas went pretty well! It wasn't very big, just the three of us (but lol we still bought ALL THE FOOD, probably enough to last us for a month), but it was comfortable and fun (though jsyk, The Fall made me cry all the tears). I got The New Super Mario Bros for the wii, a book I've never heard of but apparently the author was in town and ( Read more... )

meme, recs, yuletide!, squeeeee!, real life

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Comments 55

opheliahyde December 28 2011, 05:25:41 UTC
You have read more fic than me /o\ I need to read more fic.

So I'm probably going to spam you with pairings because that's fun, but to start out with, can I has... Sansa/Dany? :D


scorpiod1 December 28 2011, 05:56:42 UTC
WELL, THIS IS A GOOD START FOR YOU THEN :D (tho I may just stop writing at some point to work on Stiles/Derek later, jsyk).

This is not 12 words /o\

The Dragon Queen left death in her wake, but for Sansa, she offered her a crown, and Petyr taught her better than to reject it.


opheliahyde December 28 2011, 06:25:21 UTC
I have read at least half of these? Some fandoms I don't know, so there's that.

BUT IT'S SO GORGEOUS. I want more /o\ Write me all the Sansa/Dany :D


cantarina1 December 28 2011, 05:40:31 UTC
I'd *just* started clearing out my tabs and now all of the recs are starting to come in /o\

*hmms* "Once Upon a Time", Mr. Gold & Henry (or Emma)


scorpiod1 December 28 2011, 06:15:22 UTC
LOLOL! THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH HAVING MORE YULETIDE FIC TO READ :D But I have a ton of Yuletide fic open in tabs too, I get you /o\

"Everything comes with a price," Mr. Gold said, putting his hand on Henry's shoulder as Storybrook burned around them.


cantarina1 December 28 2011, 06:24:46 UTC
ohmygodohmygodohmygod, that's perfect

SERIOUSLY. What's the longer fic that this is from? Is this how Storybrooke becomes the fairy tale once again and how hard it is for Henry to watch everything burn after all? Or did he make a deal with Mr. Gold that went impossibly worse than he could have imagined? Something else entirely?


scorpiod1 December 28 2011, 07:30:34 UTC
I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT. I felt a little guilty about it, because, well, HERNY, I'M SORRY I DID THIS TO YOU XD

BUT, WELL IN MY BACKSTORY FOR THIS NON-EXISTENT fic, I imagine Henry tried some drastic measures to change the town back to the way it should be (idk maybe he's older; maybe it's an AU where he never found Emma) and contacted Mr. Gold, and well, people shouldn't make deals with Mr. Gold, because then bad things happen /o\


wutendeskind December 28 2011, 05:49:20 UTC
I didn't really know where to start with Yuletide, so thanks for the recs!

I'm glad your Christmas went well and I'm sorry about your tooth. :( *hugs Scorp*


scorpiod1 December 28 2011, 06:03:57 UTC
LOL I never know where to start with Yuletide, I think this is the first year I actually started compiling recs xD You're welcome :D

It's okay! *snuggles back and kisses your face* (also, in case I don't talk to you on that day, Happy Early Birthday! <333333333)


opheliahyde December 28 2011, 06:25:54 UTC
Tate/Violet! :D


scorpiod1 December 28 2011, 08:31:07 UTC
THIS GOT LONG BUT I FELT BAD CUTTING IT BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO SACRIFICE IT /o\ Also, it's more Tate-centric than Violet/Tate, which I feel bad about, but Tate just gives me a lot of feeeeeeelings.

This used to be his room, he thinks as he kisses her on the bed; he died not five feet from here, blood spilling out on the floor (sometimes, he remembers it with crystal clear clarity; other times, he forgets-because the house wants him to forget-forgets everything and doesn’t know what day it is, convinces himself he’s still alive). He doesn’t know if that makes this any better or worse. Maybe she’ll like it, Tate thinks, as he kisses down her soft throat, maybe she already knows; Violet doesn’t like normal things but then she’s kissing him and Tate forgets all the bad stuff.


opheliahyde December 28 2011, 08:35:42 UTC
BUT IT'S SO LOVELY AND PERFECT (omg you have awesome Tate-voice, I am not sure if this is a compliment or not). Maybe she’ll like it, Tate thinks, as he kisses down her soft throat, maybe she already knows; Violet doesn’t like normal things KILL ME NOW, DEAD ON THE FLOOR. Now one day you'll write me a full length Tate/Violet fic, but I won't pester you for it, BUT OMG OMG (I can't really say much more than that; I have too many feels /o\).


scorpiod1 December 28 2011, 09:18:10 UTC

One day, I may write Tate/Violet fic (or a fic about Tate raised in the murder house. I have a lot feelings about that house, tbh, it's weird). BUT I WILL TAKE YOUR FEELS FOR NOW, I UNDERSTAND YOUR FEELS.


opheliahyde December 28 2011, 06:37:50 UTC


scorpiod1 December 28 2011, 09:00:02 UTC
Robb's mouth is hot, searing him down to his bones and for a minute, Jon thinks this could last (it won't, he knows it won't--he'll go down to the Wall and no one, not even Robb could stop him--but it's nice to pretend for a little while).


opheliahyde December 28 2011, 09:02:34 UTC
...I hate you. Why you do this to me? THEY COULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY. Now my iTunes is playing Degausser and this is the line you write for me and my feels. (In other words: I REALLY LIKED THIS, IT JUST HURTS MY SOUL.)


scorpiod1 December 28 2011, 09:10:54 UTC
I'M SORRY I WRITE IN JON POV AND JON IS NEVER HAPPY /o\ glaaad you liked it tho, sorry about your heart :*


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