043. Who's around?

Jul 03, 2016 17:30

If I were to host a ficathon, would anyone participate??

What if I hosted it over on DW?

(also hi everyone!)

pokes head out

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rosaxx50 July 4 2016, 10:00:44 UTC
Hi :) :) :)

I have no idea how popular a ficathon would be on LJ these days, but you can try! (Speaking for myself, I'm not really in a headspace for prompting or ficcing)


scorpiod1 July 4 2016, 11:41:11 UTC
heeeeey how are things? :))) I keep trying to catch up on my friends' post but I disappear for a month at a time, and then going back in the LJ flist is so hard now? like it abruptly cuts off after a certain point and it's not fair.

lol I am not sure either. I mainly want to do it because like. I miss communal fic memes? on tumblr, you reblog a prompt meme and maybe ppl throw prompts at you or not but it's really not the same, and like, I'm super creatively blocked right now and I am trying to FIX THAT. None of my LJ friends even write in my main fandom though so I am trying to think of some panfandom ficathon thing to do.

(lol I figured you wouldn't be honestly, I don't think most people would? But I feel like if I can get a couple of my friends to prompt and maybe write, the ficathon will be somewhat helpful)


rosaxx50 July 4 2016, 11:46:44 UTC
Things are good overall. I've moved five times since the end of last year, and actually just moved to a new place 2 days ago, so it's been busy, but otherwise satisfying.

I haven't really tried going too far back, though that's partly because my f'list is so quiet these days I can check back once a week or so, and barely miss anything.

I suppose you really have to advertise it in the right places. Maybe between you and your various tumblr followers, you can direct enough people to the LJ post to make the ficathon busy.

ETA: Actually, I lie, I would totally prompt Jean and Scott/Jean from the Apocalypse. It even made me briefly fannish again. And maybe Spock/Uhura.


scorpiod1 July 4 2016, 12:08:55 UTC
5 Times :OOOO new moving stress is so much (and like. 5 times!!!!) but I'm so glad you're satisfied! I recently got a promotion (which is not much in terms of pay and hours, but my schedule has gotten more consistent instead of like, being, so that's really nice)

Lol, what happens with me is that I end up disappearing off the internet or at least LJ for a month or so? And then I try to catch up but my flist will only go up to a few pages back before it stops, so I always feel like I'm missing a lot of posts. And then there's the "do I comment on this months old posts? Is that creepy? That feels creepy :/ "

Most of my tumblr peeps don't have LJs but there are some who will reblog to at least promote it for me, I know that. And the Shadowhunters ficathon got a LOT of play and made me a bit envious, so it's not necessarily doomed to have a low turnout.

JEAAN. I'm still the most fannish about FDTD but lol I actually really enjoyed Apocalypse more than I thought I would, or more than most of the internet seemed to. I didn't really ( ... )


rosaxx50 July 4 2016, 12:16:05 UTC
Congrats on the promotion \o/ \o/ Are you still working in mental health?

TBH I can't imagine you're missing much on the livejournal side of things. Also, it's never weird to comment on old posts!! It's like commenting on old fic.

Your tumblr peeps don't need LJs to actually take part in the ficathon. Just the enthusiasm to get past the spam locks.

Oh, man, I loved Apocalypse. I agree it wasn't exactly a great movie. But it had everything I signed up for, plus some, HITTING ME WHERE I NEED(ED) IT. And considering parts of the internet "doesn't understand Apocalypse tried to kill half the world because the movie didn't say why", I'm not really interested in their opinion ( ... )


scorpiod1 July 4 2016, 18:41:48 UTC
Yes! Same field, same place/area even, but slightly different work and more benefits now (I get paid sick time and vacation :D)

Hahah I get nervous commenting on old fic too but I will try to keep that in mind. And lol, that is true, I'm not turning off anon commenting or anything. I just think if they don't have LJs, or not used to the lj/dw culture, they're...naturally resistant? I was trying to get a tumblr friend to get a Dreamwidth the other day and she was all "that sounds very nice but I can't be validated on dw like on tumblr" and I'm just :/// fucking tumblr.

Yeah, I think I had low expectations for Apocalypse, that it was just really fun to watch. (I thought the movie made it clear why Apocalypse was killing half the world? I mean? Mutant supremacy really? *shrugs* My main issues with he film are continuity problems and stuff like.....how does Erik go from KILL THE PRESIDENT to quiet life in Poland but I don't care enough to care that's an issue for the most part lmao ( ... )


upupa_epops July 5 2016, 07:04:43 UTC
I have no idea what you're discussing, but I find it hilarious that someone's legit life choice is "quiet life in Poland" ;).


scorpiod1 July 8 2016, 09:08:11 UTC
omg it's like. Making the life choice to have a quiet life in Poland DURING THE 80s. Which like, I don't know much about Poland history but that's still a giant UM to me.

~just one of the many nonsensical things about the x-men films~


upupa_epops July 8 2016, 10:59:33 UTC
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. The 80s were super troublesome and poor. You couldn't get bare necessities in stores, even if you had money. To quote my mother "all you could see on the shelves was vinegar and mustard".


scorpiod1 July 8 2016, 11:57:18 UTC
LMAO THAT WAS MY THOUGHT. Like I was fairly certain Poland during the Cold War was NOT A GOOD TIME just because of history facts I've absorbed through osmosis, and YET


rosaxx50 July 5 2016, 10:07:30 UTC
That sounds awesome :D ( ... )


scorpiod1 July 8 2016, 12:12:19 UTC
LJ culture is straight up dead, for real though. I kinda hate tumblr culture a lot and I do enjoy clinging to what's left on LJ (I'll never let go of my icons I'll always give LJ money I GUESS) but like, people just don't seem to want semi-private journals anymore. It's WEIRD. I cannot comprehend new fandom people who get their start on tumblr from the get go like, I'm used and familiar and comfortable with tumblr but I cannot imagine that being my first fandom exposure, I'd run away ( ... )


rosaxx50 July 8 2016, 12:42:41 UTC
Hey, culture's changed since back in my day... it's all about using anonymity to reveal yourself now. I suspect, though, more of it is in the vein of twitter: being brief and reaching a big audience, instead of journal-ing.

Don't worry, I definitely agree with you re: Erik etc. The time skip for this film was much too significant.

LMAO I THOUGHT STORM WOULD HAVE SOME RESERVATIONS OVER DESTROYING HER CITY BUT NOPE? OKAY MOVIE.Well, even if she weren't attached to the city, she had a gang of friends there that isn't mentioned again. (BTW, Storm as petty thief in Cairo is definitely canon X-Men backstory from the comics. It's supposed to be how she first met Xavier, and other, shall we say, mystic entities. I suspect part of the reason I liked the film so much is that it struck a lot of canon characterisation/features ( ... )


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