036. the mother we share

Dec 19, 2014 07:51

December 18th: What draws you to incest ships for streussal


streussal, why do you do this to me

I honestly don't know how to explain this but I am going to TRY to explain.

incest manifesto (pray for me) )

meta, december talking meme

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kwritten December 21 2014, 12:19:12 UTC
Wizards of Waverly Place is Disney.

AND SO IS LIFE WITH DEREK HOW HAVE YOU NOT SEEN LIFE WITH DEREK?! It's basically Brady Bunch with "I hate my stepbrother but basically we just make eyes at each other and should probably make out already" mixed in with "siblings" shenanigans. Casey/Derek is one of those lovely 'we are family because we are being raised in the same house and we call each other siblings but we're still probably each other's endgame" ridiculousness. Kid shows. Are just the worst, honestly.

((Like please don't ever get me started on Victorious because the LEVELS OF CODEPENDENCY in the ships on that fucking show are completely ridiculous.)) ((And also has the potential for a really great siblincest between two awesome ladies, I've never read any Tori/Trina fic myself but I know it must exist.)) ((Nickelodeon is nearly as evil as Disney in giving me shipping angst.))

Yeah... Jace doesn't really stand a chance against Sebastian. (Sebastian gets really squicky in one book and tries to rape Clary, which is gross and awful. He then gives her a hell dimension to make up for it. Look, I know what I'm shipping is gross and I kinda just accept that all of it is bad and the power dynamics are fucked and there's a lot that's really terrible. What I like is that it is really fucking terrible.)

(It's okay not to have Klaus/Rebekah ~feels. Mainly I just have overwhelming Rebekah ~feels so ANYTIME she interacts with ANYONE I'm on the sidelines going DID YOU SEE ALL OF THE EVERYTHING WITH HER FACE AND HER WONDERFULNESS LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.)


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