030. Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2014 18:34

So, this is probably a bad time to make a comeback to my flist #after I've ignored livejournal for more than a month. BUT HI EVERYONE. HOW IS YOUR HALLOWEEN GOING? I hope everyone's having fun.

Since it's Halloween, I will probably be spending the night eating pizza, drinking, and watching horror movies. Which is like heaven to me, tbh. It won't stop raining, so I am a little :( over that because that probably means no trick r treaters at all and it's already very late as it is. And we have a shit ton of candy. Welp.

Anyway, it'll take some time to catch up with everyone and I don't think I can do it tonight BUT I DO WANT TO DO A MEME. If anyone wants to participate (if anyone's out there; LJ is kinda dead):

give me a pairing/character, PLUS a halloween-themed/creepy/monster au/anything semi-related prompt in my askbox and i will write a ficlet

meme, halloween

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