
Nov 20, 2002 10:20

people are all sorts of venting and sharing on livejournal. i hope all of you find yourselves less angry and stressed out in the near future. i hope the same for myself.

monday night was work... was ok... nothing special, didn't make much money... got home and realized my street is possibly the worst outdoor area ever to try and watch the ?Leonids, so i missed them... it's a shame. watch out for the next good show, coming in 2098!!! i won't be here.

i'm trying to cut back on smoking. smoked 9 cigarettes yesterday, less than 50% of my usual pack-a-day intake. the goal for the next three days to stay stay at or under half a pack a day, or 10 or less cigarettes a day. my main problems will likely be a) my odious day job, b) the stress of 13-hour work days (like today), and c) my anxiety over working out starting classes...

last night, plan after work was to a) stop by montgomery coll. financial aid office to attempt to file petition for independant status, then b) read all night.
unfortunately, i forgot how to get to the college and didn't feel like taking the chance of getting lost and having to turn around 20 times during rush hour traffic 5 miles from DC, so i didn't go there. went home, made pasta for dinner, read for a bit, fell sleep like i've been doing recently everytime i settle down to read (dammit, dammit, dammit)... woke up... filed the last 4 monthes or so of my financial shit... paid bills... slept. ahh. i figure with the almost 4 hour accidental nap, I got a total of 10 hours sleep.

Good thing, since I work tonight.

Today, I'm dong something our freaking lawyers should be doing, instead of all the tasks that I'm suposed to be doing this morning and will have to rush through this afternoon, making my afternoon more stressful. I get to photocopy and highlight phone bills for a lawsuit. Sucks to be cheaper labor. My boss asked me how it was coming along. Apparantly, he took my statement of, "I don't care," to mean that I didn't understand the purpose, becasue he proceeded to exaplin it to me. I still don't care, I assure you.

Hate this place.

At least it's Wednesday, more than halfway done the work week before postponing the ineviteable for two days until we have to come back monday. never done.

Hanging out with Mike tomorrow evening. should be nice.
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