Sep 19, 2006 00:49
If I had something to complain about this might be a long entry... but it's not and I don't. Life is good. Very good. I wish I had a job, The Book Seller didn't call me back, so that's a no. I'm going to be appling some other places tomorrow. This well I'm going to be making an apiontent to pick my classes for the spring, NU has scared me and I'm all nervous about calling Sierra College. I'm going to have my Wisdom Teeth out on October 2. I need to start planing my brithday, this time it's going to be better, last time I was sick and very depressed, it wasn't fun. Steven was over this weekend, like he normaly is :P. We saw the Midnight showing of Betelgeuse, that was awesome. I'm in love with a Russian sing named Vitas, If you know who I'm talking about flail with me... if you don't... look him up.
I played Guild Wars all day today. I feel like such a bum. :(
Anyone besides Fuf have Guild Wars? It's like WoW only free.. well there isn't a monthly fee. Just buy the game and you are set. People should get the game, it's awesome... and mostly free.
I don't feel like Spell checking this, have fun reading it :P