Dec 19, 2004 22:50
okay, so yes, i know that Santa Lucia was AGES ago..but we haven't had time as a family to do it cause a) me & my apps b) we're too lazy to wake up before 5 on a WE & c) we've had no time to bake cookies. HOWEVER! this weekend we did, and i'm done, and we aren't! So we ARE!! AND it's SNOWING!! AGAIN! YAY!! so tomorrow we're doing our sakta-ness and eating lots of pepparkakkor and yumminess. and SO WHAT!? who cares!? this year, SL is gonna be on the 20th instead of the 13th. O' sailors of famine and eyeballs, you can deal. besides, no one really gives a rats ass here in america anyways. :):):)
okay and also got our tree on SAT @ the new place (the place on route 202 we usually go to closed because the lovely old couple who ran in either died or retired, but hopefully the latter) but ANYHOO, the tree is big and lucious and sweet-smlling and ella: eat your little college heart out because you're going to "Fat Pig" with your special someone and so therefore shut up. ;) but dad insisted on getting a smaller one as well for the porch, even though we're broke and no one going to notice it anyways, but it pleases him and it's pretty when you look out midst cleaning dishes.
okay, so im kinitting galore for x-mas..Ell's is fertiged and Dia's half done..but i till need to do mom's and the 25th is only 5 days away! AHHH! don't you just love it how i can create stress for myself out o thin air? wonderful! oh, & btw: Rurik & KIm if either of y'all are reading this still: yours are gonna be VERY late..think of your presents as a new years, k? also, r's is your fav color blue or green? whatever, ill call you when your phone is miraculously not (gasp!) busy. okay, love to all my fellow toe cheeses...xoxox MERRY CHRISTMAS! -ZOË