June 2009 Astrology Zone

Jun 01, 2009 10:18

Scorpio Horoscope for June 2009

By Susan Miller

As the month begins, you appear to be working closely with one particular person who holds important keys to your future. This person may be your spouse or person you are engaged to, an established live-in partner, or a business partner, investor, agent, publicist, or other business expert you've hired. The seventh house, which is so lit up for you now, rules all serious, contractual relationships, including marriage.

As a Scorpio you are never quite comfortable working in a completely collaborative mode. You prefer to have final control over the course of events, but that is not always possible or even desirable under all circumstances. Conditions now will require you relinquish a portion of your power for awhile, but actually, that may not be so bad! It appears that by working in tandem with another, you will actually benefit. Let me explain why.

Your chart at the start of June shows that Mars, your secondary ruler, is touring your seventh house of collaborative ventures. If the first house represents all that is "you," then the seventh house, found directly opposite the first house on the horoscope wheel, is "thou" - the other person sitting across from you at the table who has as much to gain, or lose, as you do in any venture you do jointly. In marriage, it is the person holding your hand as you venture forth on the road of life.

Having such a powerful and energetic planet in this house is a big deal, and you haven't seen your ruler in this house in two years. Yet Mars is not alone here, as Venus is there too, making your collaborative effort exceptionally smooth and sweet. My goodness, it may even be downright joyful.

It is very rare to see Venus orbiting so close to Mars - Venus loves being with Mars, but alas, this rarely happens, as each planet is usually busy on assignment in different parts of your chart. Now, they are working together, so you may be amazed at how "in sync" you and your partner will be this month.

Venus is also associated with money, so if your alliance is for business, you should do well with this partner - this person is looking out for your interests. If you are getting married or will have an engagement party in June, you will find your guests to be quite generous in their gifts to you. While Venus always brings love and affection, bless her, Venus also brings money and gifts.

The full moon June 7 will bring a money matter to a head. Saturn is in your house of hopes and wishes and social fun, but will add a cranky element. Saturn will send a strong message to be practical, but having fun and being practical aren't usually two factors that go together. Alas, Saturn may prove to be a spoilsport near this full moon June 7, plus or minus four days. You will have to write at least one big check (possibly more), and it seems to be one that is painful to write. Perhaps you will have to find ways to cover the full amount. I am so sorry to have to report this to you. If it helps to know, everyone will have problems with the full moon this month.

If you have to sign a contract near June 7, I am a bit worried that the clauses will be unclear and difficult to decipher later. Neptune will be in hard angle to Mercury in your house of partnerships at the time, so you and your lawyer will have to go through that contract with a fine-toothed comb. If possible, sign later, near June 12 or 13.

Be sure to sign no later than these dates, however, because Jupiter will go retrograde quickly after that, from June 14 to October 13. Financial matters go much better when a document is signed while Jupiter is moving at top speed, not retrograde. You have a strong Saturn now too, as Saturn turned direct in mid-May. You have a lot going for you in the first half of June, so get those contracts signed prior to June 14!

Your chart has been showing a strong emphasis on foreign interests, and this trend will begin to be intensified now through the summer. Your first sign that this is true will come on June 22 at the new moon, found at 1 degree of Cancer. This is considered to be a highly energetic degree for any aspect when found in a cardinal sign. (The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.)

The house where this new moon will fall for you is your ninth house and rules international travel, study and relationships, import-export of goods, services, and ideas. It also rules the dissemination of ideas through broadcasting and publishing. The ninth house, an area of learning and growth, also covers your interaction with university professors and officials, as a student or as a teacher, and it is also associated with grants and scholarships. As the legal house, this part of the chart also rules the court system, so if you are initiating a lawsuit or are defending one, this house would be the part of the chart you and I would look at to see the conditions you'll face.

This month you will have problems from Pluto - and I will explain those in a moment - but remarkably, you will have a solar eclipse in this same house next month, on July 21. Mars will enter this area from August 25 to October 15, so as you see, this is an area that will bring a LOT of news and developments.

This month Pluto will be in very hard angle to this new moon, June 22, suggesting someone will be quite insistent that you sign a document or agree to a deal that you are uncomfortable doing. Never sign anything under duress, dear Scorpio. You are a master negotiator and quite street smart, too. If anyone can gracefully get out of signing something, it's you. I am not at all sure the deal you are looking at this month will work to your favor if you don't make changes to it.

I realize that you are attracted by the vast influence the person you are dealing with can bring to the table. However, this person's assets may also be their liability - this person is used to bossing everyone around, and I am not sure that will sit well with you. There has to be a reason this person is talking with you. You apparently have something this person wants, too - so don't fold your cards too quickly. Speak up!

Here's the interesting part. Next month, on July 21, you will have another new moon, but this time it will be a very powerful one, for it will also be a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses are almost always friendly, and this one is, for sure. Solar eclipses open up new windows of opportunity in a very dramatic way.

That eclipse will also be in Cancer, only not 1 degree like the June new moon, June 22, but at 29 degrees of Cancer. I feel the eclipse will give you a second chance to either fix this deal or bring a new player to the table. Next month Pluto will not be in a position to harm you, so I feel that you'll do better in your negotiations.

If your birthday falls in October, say, near October 23 or in the five days that follow, you will find the energies of the June 22 new moon to be the more helpful new moon - so you need to find a way to deal with the 800-pound gorilla that is being so domineering to you.

If you were born on November 21 or in the five days that proceed this date, you will benefit more from the July 22 eclipse.

Here is something else to consider. A new family of eclipses is just starting up now in Cancer and Capricorn, and this is the first time in nine years that we've seen eclipses in these signs. Think back to 2000 and 2001 for a clue of what this family of eclipses brought, and also think back to 1991 and 1992.

Eclipses come every six months for two years. July will be the first month that this family of eclipses will appear. From July on, and continuing for two years, we will have eclipses in Cancer-Capricorn, signs that blend very well with your Sun sign. I will get into the detail of the coming eclipses next month, but suffice to say, they will work in your favor. Every Scorpio, of every birthday, will benefit from at least one eclipse. This is a long way of saying to stay tuned - you have lots of excitement ahead.

Keep in mind that Cancer and Capricorn blend beautifully with your Scorpio Sun, so although Pluto is throwing a wrench into your gears this month, that won't be the case next month. Stay optimistic. For now, see if you can use next months' eclipse to your advantage, if you don't like what's happening this month.

Romantically things should go deliciously well, especially if you travel together in June.

You will also have the option of working on a home-related project together with your partner, and that may work out to be quite a romantic adventure. You may decide to paint and do other things to fix up your space or you both may move to a new one. This a great year - and a perfect month - to draw up big plans together for a new or revamped home. See how you can make this work for you. Your creativity, by the way, will reach impressive heights - and the best part is that you can direct your burgeoning talents in any way you please.

I realize a lot of emphasis is on attached couples, for the seventh house of commitment is so strongly lit. If you are hoping to get engaged or married, this month you should see a number of exciting developments. If you are single and hoping to meet someone new, Neptune's closeness to Jupiter this month through December will be an amazing blessing. Be out circulating! This year will be a very special one for love!

Romance will be best these evenings: June 2, 4, 5, 9, 13-14, 22, and 27.


You'll be very focused on financial matters in June, especially near the month's most important first aspect, the full moon on June 7. You may discover you need to write a check that's bigger than you expected and then need to scramble to find the money to cover it. With many planets stacking up in Taurus, your opposite sign, you won't have firm control over how things work out, so you will have to either offer a compromise or set up a payment plan. You may also have to delay a purchase you had been looking forward to making, or bow out of an event. This obstacle is temporary - things won't always be this way, dear Scorpio.

Mars' presence in Taurus suggests disagreements with your partner may come up, and may center on money or living arrangements. There is no reason to worry, however, for at the same time, Venus' warm and soothing presence in the same part of your chart can bring accord, especially if you use charm rather than force. Traveling together will actually bring you closer, so if you can take a vacation with your sweetheart (and yes, your mate is that too), you'll bond closer.

At work, your chart has been focusing on a foreign situation for quite a while. Your project may involve import or export of goods or services, or you may have been talking through a broadcasting or publishing project. Alternatively, you may be working on a plan to go back to college or graduate school next semester. One of these areas is about to reach a new level of sophistication once you get through the new moon that will appear on June 22. Watch the phone calls and emails you receive at month's end and be ready to roll.

There will be an authority figure at work - either a member of management or a client - who will be quite insistent that you follow his orders and will give you no room to negotiate. This never goes down well with a Scorpio, for you are a fixed sign, not known to be flexible when you feel passionate about your point of view, which seems the case in late June. Still, because Pluto, your ruler, will be causing this stressful situation, it would not be wise to fight a battle you can't possibly win. See how you feel, but don't stand on principle.

Romance should be sensational for both singles and attached Scorpios. Travel increases feelings of closeness for attached couples, but going to classes together does, too. If you both would like to move, this would be a glorious time to buy a house or to move to a new city as a renter or buyer. Truly, 2009 brings exceptional luck in real estate.

Singles will find that love is easier to find than ever before. If you had disappointments in love (say, in March, which was a touchy month), then forget all that - the second half of the year brings a much brighter picture!

Dates to watch:

Romance will be best these evenings: June 2, 4, 5, 9, 13-14, 22, and 27.

Negotiate a contract with excellent results: June 4.

Creativity will be high, especially when generating ideas with a partner: June 9.

Buy a house, expensive furniture, or apply for a mortgage on June 17.

Finances bring angst within four days of June 7. June 23, plus or minus one day, could also be tense.

Take a trip or plan one: June 22 plus two weeks.

International relationships bring interesting developments: June 22-29.
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