For all the times you dreamed of me......

Nov 14, 2005 12:45

Just when you thought things were getting better between the person I love the most in the world, I realize that it's just the same as it was four years ago. Still up to your old tricks of the trade.

Why do I honestly love you so much?

  • When you make me happy and laugh- I know in my heart that I am truly happy.
  • That small chuckle you do after your done explaining something.
  • The way you touch my face at night to calm me and soothe me.
  • The way you tell me about all the funny things I do in my sleep while you lay there next to me, watching me.
  • For fathering my son.
  • For not hurting me in the ways that my Father hurts my Mother.
  • For the old times when you would light candles in my room while I was off on the computer or in the bathroom just so I would come back to my room to find you with candles lit all around you and smile.
  • For the times when you would sing 'Angel' by Shaggy to me.
  • For the nights you would hold me under the stars.
  • The times when you would cook dinner for me.
  • Taking care of Vincent at night or taking care of him during the day so I could either take a nap or attend school.
  • For trusting me.
  • For believing in me.
  • For daring me to be myself- the real risk taker.
  • For taking me for who I truely am.
  • For forgiving me for every mistake or hurtful thing that I did to you.
  • The times that you would take care of me when I was sick, hurt or just couldn't bare to stand on me own feet for one day.

So is everything honestly the same way that it was four years ago? Do I still get all giddy, nervous and speechless everytime I see you? Do I still worry about losing you because I don't feel like I honestly deserve you?


Each morning when I wake up next to you I am still speechless, giddy and nervous. I am still scared as hell to kiss you. I still blush everytime you say 'I love you Amy'. I never truly know where your heart is anymore, but I still pray that is with mine. Although, you may be with other girls and claim you love them, I never understand why you came back to me? Why is that? Sure- I've never given up on you, pressured you to be something your not or let you go a day knowing that you ARE loved and special no matter if we were together or fighting day after day after day. I made a promise to you.

To keep you

Protect you

and to love you.

<3 I still wonder-

I still gaze at the stars

Will you still be mine in the future? <3

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