Title: There is a Place
Pairing(s): Scorpius/Albus Severus
Rating: R
Warnings: teeny bit of bad language but that's about all.
Word Count: 5700
Summary: It's hard to continue ignoring someone when they constantly pop up in the place you go to ignore them.
Prompt: #31 The old gnarled tree at the far side of the lake is Scorpius's favourite thinking spot. It has been for years. Everyone knows this and no one's ever bothered him about it. So why now, in their final year, is Albus Potter suddenly lingering around it all the time?
Notes: for the gorgeous
bryoneybrynn whose words and characters I adore and hope this ended up being something along the lines of what you were looking for! xx As always, S is the beta goddess who I can NOT live without. Written for the AS/S prompt fest over at
the_ass_fest on LJ.
@ LJ @ AO3 @ffn