Oct 06, 2003 12:29
1. I miss cuddling with Katie. I miss goofing off with Jacob.
2. I don't like it when people look at me for very long.
3. I hate feet.
4. I am VERY observant.
5. I have bi-polar...am bi-polar. Whatever. Sometimes this causes problems for me but that's okay.
6. I'm a true asshole. I'm not even an asshole just to "survive life" (not nice on the inside) I am really an asshole.
7. I am VERY self-centered.
8. I don't like people. I love some people, but either I love you or I hate you. Simple.
9. I have only had sex with one person. One. And it's not my current boyfriend, but the one before him. (this is where buttercup puts two and two together and says EW)
10. Every once in a while I'll call Bethany and we will talk for two hours.
11. I have a dalmation. I want a basset hound.
12. My favorite color is pink, red, pink, red. Damn. (Stuart's is orange)
13. I auctioned off Katie at Heather's party for $20. oops. sorry.
14. I was Chuck's (hot) Co-host.
15. I am not as truthful as I would like to be.
16. I love 80's music.
17. I hate jews. DUDE! I'm kidding. I was just saying that because...well. It pisses people off. :)
18. I exude as much self confidence as I have.
19. Charlotte and I are VERY close. I accidently called her mom the other day...eek.
20. Heather has become my best friend. (we're the best...haha)
21. I miss Tara! and Spare! and Bethany!
22. I feel like I will annoy everyone if I hang out with them too much.
23. Wanna know something funny?...I got REALLY drunk last Friday.
24. I love Meghan Moore.
25. My dad is a pothead.
25. I can't count.
26. My spine is crooked, one leg is longer than the other and one of my arms is double jointed. I also have arthiritis(sp?) in my joints and i can't see very well.
27. I think BOLT is fun.
28. I have an OCD, I actually have like three. Comes with bi-polar, as does AD(H)D, mood swings, social anxiety and whatever else I can't remember right now.
29. I want to be a country singer.
30. I plan to get married and have four kids and a dog and a mini-van. I want to be the soccer mom/teacher lady. :D
31. I have six brothers.
32. I love zebras.
33. I cannot keep my room clean.
34. I wish my hair was longer.
35. My mom hates me.
36. I don't like people to touch me, unless it's a selected few.
37. I love food.
38. I am going to play soccer. i wish I could play golf. I am GREAT at put-put.
39. I love family parties.
40. I am very ticklish.
41. My favorite food is pizza, no enchildadas, no spaghetti, no. Fuck. I love food.
42. I take antihistimines to sleep sometimes.
43. Nyquil makes me sick.
44. I have asthma.
45. I think Dr. Phil is sooo stupid.
46. My little brother Tony is soo cool.
47. I love doing things for others. It makes me feel really good to make other people smile. Especially when it's something goofy that I did.
48. I can make a balloon animal puppy, giraffe, flower, sword, and crown.
49. This is actually 50.
50. I sat on the phone with my little brother Sam telling jokes for almost an hour.