Jan 04, 2006 22:25
Today I felt extremely over whelmed. I had to take a minute and let myself relax. It is not anyone what is causing this. It's not even really being back at work for Dimeo over the winter break, although It has triggered the most recent feelings. I am over whelmed with the decision of a job soon. I have to make a decision by the end of this month at the latest. The earlier the better. You see, I have two more second invterviews awaiting me, one with Shawmut on the 19th and a formal sit down with Dimeo sometime in the next two weeks. And I also have an offer on the table from Whiting-Turner and I don't want to leave them hanging too long. All three are in different locations making it also difficult, however Matt has told me that he will move to where I find a job. Maybe him and I will have to revisit that to be sure that makes sense for both of us. I do want to live with him when I graduate.
So if anyone out there can offer any advise is working towards a decision. I know I should't choose based on money. I am planning to make a list of my requirements for the perfect job. And as the second interviews go, and I can ask more questions, I will make pro and con lists for each. I don't know yet, but I could be looking at trying to deside between three different companies.
I also emailed Ginny from AGC who has an inside look at the growth and participation of these companies. I also might deside to sit down with Kim Silvestri because she has worked at Dimeo and then found something better for herself. It is scary that it is all happening so soon. I will keep you updated and possibly share some of my pro's and con's of what I am finding.
Thanks for reading.