Oct 27, 2005 17:35
i've heard too many things over the past week about myself and others that made me want to write this out, instead of just think about it.
Sticks and Stones may break my bones,
but words will NEVER hurt me.
Theres so much truth in that saying.
When something hateful is said about you, it shouldn't shake you. If there isn't a doubt in your mind that those negative, rude words are not true, then upon hearing them there should be no emotions other than pride in knowing it's not true. And honestly, thats all that truely matters. There will never be a case where you need to sink to their level and say mean things that are or are not true.
The more you try to argue and defend yourself on other people's remarks, the more true those remarks appear to others.
Treat people the way you wish to be treated.
oh yeah.
What goes around, comes around.
See you on the other side.