Dec 30, 2011 21:09

So, here's what we're doing (and apologies for any rough spots - we've been busy, and also pushed some plans forward to support this event!):

The Rise of Themis
Featuring: Earthquakes, Flooding and Mist Mist Mist
As many know, there have been rumblings throughout the city about justice, about politics, about leadership. You think the Twins haven't heard you... but they have. And while it may not be immediately evident what earthquakes have to do with justice, believe us when we say, it's all very relevant.

December 31st to January 1st: The mist begins to rise. It starts thin - at around midnight, but within a day the air has become nearly opaque. At this point, characters may begin to suffer from Level One to Level Three mist effects outside, or level one while inside. A side effect of the Mist also scrambles your Forges, rendering the archives unreadable (for a while. ¬_¬)

January 2nd: An earthquake hits the city, followed by...

January 2nd to January 5th: Flooding in the docks area. Speaking of the docks area, around this time, if you stand on them and stare out over the ocean, it will become evident that something very very large is rising from the sea. What is it? Hard to tell at this point. In any case, for several days there will be fairly significant flooding in around half of the city.

January 6th: The Mist clears and the shape in the sea becomes evident: a new island has risen from the sea at the call of the Twins. The island is Themis, named for justice... and if that isn't enough of a hint to make clear what is to come, check out this new document - not currently linked from the navigation page because the system isn't "live" yet.

January 7th through.... whenever: The Mist will continue to linger in the city, causing level one effects, and preventing the archives from becoming accessible until the game's archive has been transferred here from Livejournal!

Useful Link: About the Mist and its effects!



Also: Stay tuned for more announcements! Probably today, maybe tomorrow. XD
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