[mod announcement]! Move Status Update!

Dec 29, 2011 20:27

Okay! SO here's what's happening with the move.☀WE'VE PUT UP A NEW TAKEN LIST. Please post there whenever you have a chance so we can rebuilt the taken list with the proper links/usernames/etc.

WE'VE ALSO PUT UP A NEW PLAYER CONTACT LIST for all our updated contact list needs.

☀All of the documentation has been updated/relinked/etc to work with DW's table limitations and to remove links to LJ (where possible).

scorched_logs, scorched_ooc and scorched_board are all transferred or in the process of transferring. IF YOU HAVE CURRENTLY ACTIVE LOGS, you probably want to pick them up on Dreamwidth instead of continuing them here, to be sure no history is lost. The boards community has also been fully transferred. Comments on OOC posts are in the process of transferring.

☀The main scorched community cannot be moved yet, as there is a limitation on the number of comments that can be transferred at this time. The limitation will be lifted soon (probably in a week or two) once the queue calms down. At that time, we will import the main community as well.

☀For those interested in applying to Scorched who do not have a Dreamwidth account, we will leave the Livejournal Applications page open (during application periods, of course) for the foreseeable future.

☀While logs should be continued on DW, we are leaving commenting on the Livejournal scorched community open for a while to allow people to continue their threads, especially while the community cannot be imported.

☀For those who are undecided about moving - we do understand that things are moving quickly, and some people require more time to think! That's fine - if you let us know that you're still considering whether to make the move or not, we'll be happy to hold your character for you until the February App Cycle, which will be in mid-February. Basically this would give you a month and a half to make your final choice without having to reapply.
Finally, chances are we will lift the posting moderation on the comms one day early, on the 31st (Saturday) instead of waiting until Sunday. Everything's just been moved over and completed much more quickly than we anticipated, and the feeling we get from people is that they are very ready to get moving.

So, Saturday it is! Stay turned for announcements about the event, the posting restriction lift, etc. here, on Plurk or on the DW OOC-community.
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