Whoops, I'm late on this. I'll start matching up the tiers tomorrow, but here's a last-minute check of just who is participating in what this week! Based on IC sign-ups and replies to the
original ooc post FENCING
soldiersbladenaniteniteswordofthenorthnewly_knightedreflectedstasisbecoming_gauimpossiblyheartbetweenwindstorm_noelhalcyonthirdbreakonthrumanscruff JOUSTING
newly_knightedswordofthenorthofvirtus( as these three are all in other events, if there aren't more sign-ups I may ICly cancel this. )
musketsandteareflectedstasissewing_princeswordofthenorthnewly_knightedimpossiblyimmortal_shot MELEE
musketsandteabreakspromisesgirl_unlockinginpiecesofcloudswordofthenorthnewly_knightedbrbpunchingmageimpossiblydemon_andbutlerI_love_squatslonestraysamianscarofvirtusbanginmyface If I've missed someone, or you're new, comment with the character's name, journal and what they're participating in. I'm happy to handwave their contacting Arthur as happening offscreen.
If your character wants to sponsor someone / wants to say they have an NPC sponsor, feel free to work that out amongst yourselves.
Finally, can someone not using an iPhone make a bulletin board graphic for me? I'd love an old-fashioned circus look. I can give specific text if you need it, but it really just needs events (tourneys, feast, prizes, entertainments) dates, and location (the carnival area).
Buffy's post will be going up soon!