PLAYER-RUN PLOT: tourney / ren fair.

Apr 23, 2011 00:17

YO DUDES. If you ever check the game calendar you may have noticed I am running an event in May? I finally bothered to get mod permission for it. It's a medieval tournament cum Renaissance faire run by Arthur, and though it won't happen until May 11, it has so many ways for you and your characters to get involved, so I want to start talking about ( Read more... )

player run event: tourney, plot

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breakspromises April 22 2011, 14:47:14 UTC
Steph is so there for the melee. And I'm sure I can fit Miranda somewhere to help staff....maybe help patch up people after their event(s).


supercilious April 22 2011, 14:51:30 UTC
Yeah! A first aid tent would be great! Arthur probs won't think of it though. MAN UP GUYS.


breakspromises April 22 2011, 14:53:00 UTC
Lol and when he gets injured, Steph will be the first to tell him to man-up.


supercilious April 22 2011, 14:57:31 UTC
Please. If there is one thing Arthur can do, it is ignore significant injuries out of a sense of manliness.


breakspromises April 22 2011, 14:59:49 UTC
She will continue to kick his injuries till he cries out mercy.


supercilious April 22 2011, 15:02:16 UTC


breakspromises April 22 2011, 15:17:33 UTC
She does it cause she cares.


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