Aug 13, 2010 01:26

Who: Priscilla (honorablesecond) and Kenpachi (sinister_bells)
When: ...Dawn on Some Day.
Where: The Docks.
Format: Action. For ACTION.
What: In this corner... Shinigami captain, Kenpachi! and in this corner... Organization's #2 warrior, Priscilla!!! Okay now that introductions are over, FIGHT!
Warnings: V-violence. ¬_¬

Shonen smackdown! )

priscilla, kenpachi

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sinister_bells August 13 2010, 08:49:46 UTC
[Kenpachi strides to the battle grounds - the ruins - grinning with anticipation. He can barely contain his spiritual pressure, he's so excited. This place was turning out to be pretty good. Win or lose, he had new opponents, some who were willing to fight.]

[He wonders how she will fight. She was small - at least, she looked small on the screen of the Forge - but Yachiru was proof enough that "small" didn't mean anything. And Priscilla is the second in her organization. That has to count for something.]

[He arrives just as the first ray of sun peeks over the horizon. He can see her in that stray light. He grins wider.]



/chants FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!! good thing for Yachiru or she might be hard to take seriously right now yetsleeping August 13 2010, 09:20:05 UTC
[Well, it's definitely fair to say she's small, especially compared to him. Small and smiling back in a distinctly pleasant and sweet sort of way.]

[It's not exactly surprising that he's extremely, well, to the point. After all, he did proposition her with a fight the very second he learned her rank. Given that, the directness is almost cute.]

[Or maybe she's been hanging out with Senji too much.]

You definitely don't waste time!

[She wiggles her feet a little.]

Yes, I'm ready!


Cue the fight bell! sinister_bells August 13 2010, 10:31:27 UTC
[The more he looks at her and watches her little movements, she reminds him of Yachiru. How fitting that her "big sister" should be almost the same as her.]

Daylight's wastin'.

[He unsheathes his zanpakutou and holds it in front of him, ready.]

Let's go!

[The maniac glint is back in his eyes, he's ready to fight until he can't fight anymore. With other opponents he'd let them have first strike. Priscilla seemed to be worthy of better than that. He closed the distance between them with - for him - a leisurely pace, sword lengthwise across his body. It's a slash aimed for Priscilla's shoulders, too low for a killing blow. Oh, his heart is in the strike all right, but he doesn't want to go all out just yet.


/BANGS THE ARMRESTS, STILL CHANTING yetsleeping August 14 2010, 04:51:40 UTC
[Kenpachi starts moving, and Priscilla narrows her eyes a little, watching his speed. Feeling it out until the last possible instant. And then, just then, she vanishes from her perch on the wall, leaving a cloud of dust and broken stone behind her. She lands, sword already drawn, a few feet away.]

[Not bad!]

[But still, there must be more in him. He might be starting slow, the way Teresa did that one day. The way Priscilla herself tends to, for that matter. Taking the measure of his opponent. Not a bad way to determine how much energy to use.]

[Speaking of which.]

[She drops low, and swings her blade at his legs.]


/STANDS ON CHAIR TO GET BETTER VIEW sinister_bells August 16 2010, 18:48:26 UTC

[She's fast, very fast. Good.]

[She's already attacking back. He sees her lower herself and adjusts his sword accordingly, straight down to block the swipe. He holds it with one hand, curious as to how strong the blow will be.]

[It's a weak blow but then again, she's definitely holding back. Playing.]

Got to do better than that to cut me.

[He says it with a smile though.]

[With a swift movement he flips his sword back up and aims a quicker slash at her opposite arm. This time he's testing how much strength and will it will take to cut her.]


/stands on YOU to get a better view!!! yetsleeping August 18 2010, 03:42:59 UTC
[Got to do better than that to cut him? That's... interesting. She takes a note of it in the back of her head even as she jerks her arm back.]

[As it turns out, she isn't very hard to cut at all - a tiny scratch opens on her arm... for a moment. She wrinkles her nose as the wound fades into nothing, leaving only a trace of blood, drying in the open air.]

[Not hard to cut, but she certain does have other defenses.]

[It also tells her to step it up a little.]

I don't usually get hit.

[Her nose is still wrinkled as she aims another strike at his shoulder - a little harder, a little faster, than before.]


/sneaks down a few rows - the usher can't catch me sinister_bells August 18 2010, 09:34:06 UTC
[Kenpachi watches the cut open and close just as quick as he made it. What the hell was that about?]

[Whatever it is, it just made the fight a bit harder. The grin grows on his face.]


[As she goes in for the strike, a blow to the shoulder that will probably hurt when it lands, he sees an opportunity for another test.]

[The blow lands. He takes that moment of her sword in his arm to swipe his zanpakuto up under her arm, harder than he had been hitting. The question is, what will happen to her arm? He focuses on seeing the results as he leaps back, ignoring the minor wound on his shoulder.]


This was challenging on the grounds that I'm not sure how her regen would work pre-awakening, haha! yetsleeping August 19 2010, 07:03:13 UTC
[What was that! Some kind of sacrifice move? What a weird idea! Priscilla jerks her arm back, almost instinctively, wrinkling her nose as she falls back a little, her heels kicking up dirt.]

[Another gash - a little deeper this time, but she can already feel the flesh coming together, the bloodflow stopping.]

[She can also already feel the resolve forming in the pit of her stomach. He's fast, and strong - much moreso than she expected - and his battle technique is a little... weird.]

[Which means...]

[Priscilla leaps back a few yards, and frowns. And then bows.]

My apologies, Kenpachi. I have underestimated your strength, and so have insulted your ability by holding back too much.

[She lifts her head a little.]

I promise that it will not happen again.

[And just like that, she's gone - behind him, aiming at his healthy shoulder.]


Yay, glad this is challenging then! I now need to figure out their relative speeds...haha! sinister_bells August 21 2010, 09:27:58 UTC
[He watched as she heals almost instantly. He had cut deeper this time but not that much, apparently. What fun!]

[This is certainly new. He'd never received apologies or bows in a fight before. He kinda liked it. It'd been a very long time since someone underestimated him.]

[She seemingly vanishes from her spot.]

[He really likes this!]

Nice trick.

[No time to turn around, he's sure Priscilla's there. He lowers his other shoulder a couple of inches. She seems to be the "good" fighter, she'll go for the uninjured one. Whether it's enough he won't know until it hits. As he lowers his shoulder he flips his sword into the other hand and swings in a great arc, ending behind him. Maybe it'll hit, maybe it won't. Only the feel of his zanpakuto will let him know.]


o-obviously feel free to deflect whatever! yetsleeping August 23 2010, 09:41:52 UTC
[Speaking of nice tricks! She narrows her eyes a little as she ducks down under the blade's arc, one hand to the ground for an instant ( ... )


Re: I'm flippin' coins now - also after this he'll be going full throttle I think sinister_bells August 26 2010, 09:27:48 UTC
[Nope, he missed. But so did she. The next move would be...where?]

[A slash at his calf, one too quick to deflect fully tells him. A light wound but enough to tell him what she might be up too.]

[He blocks the other leg swipe then quickly moves the zanpakuto up to deflect anything coming at his chest. He takes a hit, a deeper one this time, on his left shoulder. He laughs.]

About time!

[Kenpachi moves quickly to the left of where she'd been striking, energy brimming out of him. He aims a few "feeling" strikes out to where she was, only a little slower - he thinks - than the speeds she is moving.]

[He clipped something. It didn't feel like flesh but it gave a good spot to aim. He swings wide arcing blows where she might be.]


AWESOME. And I've got a coin flip simulator. >.> Which I am totally using. yetsleeping August 26 2010, 11:42:29 UTC
[Two hits - one light, one deeper, all things being relative - and this is definitely the first time someone has been encouraged by her hitting them. Things just keep getting more interesting!]

...did you just say--

[Oops! That's interrupted quite handily when she feels that energy, and then that strike - a hit to her shoulder armor that doesn't quite penetrate. From there, it's not hard to guess what he'll do.]

[It is a bit harder to dodge, though. She pushes herself into a leap, but still feels the blade brush against the edge of her boot.]

[Close. It'd be really annoying if she lost a foot.]

[She lands, silently, on the other side of him and kicks a nearby boulder in his direction even as she lashes out at his side. Simultaneous attacks are always fun.]


Coin flip simulator? I'm not sure if that's awesome or sad. I'm going with the former. =D sinister_bells August 29 2010, 09:35:50 UTC
[He nicked something softer. Good. He'd been right.]

[No time to celebrate as a boulder flies at him from the other side something else was coming too, he could hear it. It was different from the boulder.]

[He swings his sword hard at the boulder, flatwise so it veers off course to his right. A sting in his side tells him he missed the more important attack.]

Throwin' stuff now, eh?

[He smacks a nearby ruin and it explodes into many smaller pieces, all flying to where the boulder came from. Through the debris barrels Kenpachi, lashing out with his zanpakuto in short bursts - jabs, really - much faster now. She isn't the only one who can use multiple attacks.]

[He leaps back quickly from the dust cloud wait to see the results. He knows that she's still upright and ready to fight. A huge grin is plastered on his face now, nothing could move it. This is what he lives for.]

Come on. Time to stop playing and really fight!

[He rips his eyepatch off and tosses it to the side. The effect is immeadiate. A huge burst of spiritual ( ... )


Why flip a coin when you can VIRTUALLY flip one? yetsleeping August 29 2010, 12:52:31 UTC
[Interesting technique! Priscilla narrows her eyes a little concentrating at the sudden attack of debris. Vaguely, she's reminded of Irene - the splintered pieces of rock and wood that rained down on anything facing her. This is different, but even so...]

[She moves her blade quickly - more quickly than she's moved in months. Blocking, dodging, twisting in place, feeling the sting of rubble against her cheeks, and then the sharp skin of that blade knicking her skin once, twice. Once a little worse than the first time.]

[...that's interesting, too.]

[She's going to need to see a tailor after this!]

Really fight? That's a little--

[...and well, she was going to say it's a little dangerous, or maybe a little much. But then he pulls off that eyepatch and she feels it. All that energy - too strong, now, to be confusing. Too strong to be unreadable. Energy like she's never felt before from anything that wasn't ( ... )


Um, Kenchan's kinda gettin' out of control. Let me know if it's too much...D= sinister_bells August 30 2010, 10:35:37 UTC
[Something was happening, she was changing somehow. He couldn't sense the energy - he never really could but she too was growing in strength. This is the best fight ever.]

[She launches her attack - so quick! - from every side. He keeps up with the strikes, only barely, working harder than even in his fight with Ichigo. Whatever this girl is, it's strong and powerful.]

[He's estatic. The energy around him kicks up more dust and debris but he doesn't care. A few of her strikes have landed, he wasn't fast enough. He launches his counterattack, a volley of wide swings interspersed with those jabs. This time he's cutting vertically, sometimes cutting through metal or rock, perhaps one time flesh. He's so far gone into the fight he can't really tell, all he feels is the resistance in his swing ( ... )


SHE CAN TAKE IT! But she probably wont push her yoki much more, on the grounds of awakening, LOL yetsleeping August 31 2010, 07:55:30 UTC
[It occurs to her at some point - even as she dodges, as she twists in mid-air, as she blocks - that it was probably a good idea to specify no killing. Although, come to think of it, she's not even sure he remembers that at this point ( ... )


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