[Closed] The further I fall I'm beside you

Jul 29, 2010 17:57

Who: Sasori (eternalscorpion) and Deidara (transient_art)
When: Early evening, shortly after Deidara's arrival and this thread
Where: Up on a rooftop somewhere near the Outlander apartments
Format: Paragraph
What: A reunion between partners
Warnings: Angst, foul language, probable fisticuffs

In truth, Sasori could have used a much faster pace to traverse Anatole's skyline. The easy lope that he'd fallen into could be maintained for hours without breaking a sweat, yes, but it wasn't even close to his top speed. He needed the extra time, to wrap his head, and, loathe as he was to admit it, his heart, around the sudden appearance of Deidara.

He'd grown resigned to never seeing his partner again, accustomed to the idea that the deep bond he'd formed with Deidara in Kannagara was something that was forever out of his reach. It seemed that while fate had offered him up a reprieve on the former, he had not been so fortunate with the latter. This would make things...difficult.

And so much else had changed since the last time he saw Deidara; he himself had changed. His finger idly rubbed the band of pale skin on his thumb, where his Akatsuki ring had sat for a good fifteen years. Shedding the cloud-patterned cloak in favor of a plain one had been easy when backed up by the excuse of pure practicality; the ring, however, the real mark of membership, of his tie to Pain and the rest? He'd only recently come to terms with setting that aside. There was just so much that he'd have to explain.

The sight of blond hair greeted him at last, and he pushed his chakra out to alert Deidara to his presence, burying his feelings as best he could. By the time his feet landed on the rooftop that was his destination, he'd schooled his expression into an impassive front-- although the mask was far more fragile than usual.

"Deidara," he said, silently relieved that his voice didn't tremble.

sasori, deidara, -complete

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