[Mostly for Johan and Allen, but if anybody feels like hopping on the CR-train I won't say no]

Jul 17, 2010 20:19

Who: Johan and Allen.
When: 16 July, afternoon?
Where: The docks.
Format: I favour action, but I'm cool with whatever format everyone else wants to post in.
What: Johan decides Allen needs to chill out and, perforce, proposes a picnic on the docks. Allen agrees.
Warnings: None that I know of.

[There is a Johan. He's hanging on the docks, a small basket in one hand. Also, he seems to have procured a bicycle from somewhere

He's apparently waiting for someone, but in the meantime he's looking out toward the Victoria and humming something not entirely under his breath. If you ask, he might even know some of the words, although likely only the ones from the movie.]

[ooc: EARWORM WARNING for that link I'm soo sorry -_-;;;]

allen walker, johan andersen

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