
Jul 07, 2010 21:20

Who: Senji (clawofsin) and Scar (lonestray)
When: the day after this conversation (thursday, so... pre-dated)
Where: backstage at the arena, Dismas
Format: ACTION
What: Scar kicks Senji's ass for the first time, and now they have to hug talk it out
Warnings: lmao, language and issues-airing?

[It had been a good fight. A powerful fight. Whatever had been bothering Scar - and Senji had a few very specific ideas, even if Scar refused to be up front about it - had come out in the ring with full force. In all their sparring matches, their real matches, Senji had never seen him fight like that before. It was far too aggressive, and a little on the crazy side.]

[Which is probably why he enjoyed it so much.]

[Even as he struggled to adapt to this new style, the pattern of the hits, the force behind them, he enjoyed it. And even as he failed, too, for the first time since coming to Anatole. The first time since...]

[Either way, Senji isn't ready to leave just yet. He quickly slips out from under the arena medic's eyes and finds a place near the exit, the one he knew Scar to use, and waits against the wall. In ambush, if need be; even if Scar didn't want to talk to him now, he wasn't going to get off the hook that easily.]

senji "crow" kiyomasa, scar, incomplete

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