[OPEN] In memory of bittersweet romance!

Jul 07, 2010 16:14

When: July 7th, Tanabata time.
Where: Around the Ramen Shop
Format: Don't care! Use anything you like!
What: Nagi's makeshift Tanabata celebration!
Warnings: Probably nothing?
Notes: There's a thread for the wishes, which are anonymous, so if your character has a wish go ahead and drop them there! Other than that, feel ( Read more... )

kaien shiba, utena tenjo, mei chan, priscilla, elena, izaya orihara, jennifer check, jason todd, scar, komui lee, johan andersen, zack fair, arthur pendragon, byakuya kuchiki, quatre raberba winner, itachi uchiha, deneve, martha jones, riza hawkeye

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xnoble_reasonx July 8 2010, 07:19:34 UTC

Hisana had wishes. She had lots of tiny wishes, simple things that he would not hesitate to grant, reaching up into the sky and plucking whatever she so desired because his power and reach were great and she deserved anything and everything he could give her and more.

He had never had any, not until he met her. He'd been raised to use his power to attain whatever he wanted, not to waste time wishing and hoping for something.

He's a little surprised at himself when he shows up, out of uniform, lacking anything that separates him from a common man save for that straight posture and noble air, but that pride that is usually there in his eyes is a bit more distant. He's not here for anyone but Hisana, a time to reflect on something he hadn't in a little while.

He ties his own little wish, an impossible one, but a most important one. Hisana had always said even a prince had a wish. He'd never believed her until she died.]


heartbetween July 8 2010, 07:55:20 UTC
[Well! This is certainly a surprise. He didn't expect to see Byakuya here without his personally dragging the captain here through a combination of asking and trying to come up with excuses for it to be worth his while.

It's even more surprising to see him without the captain's haori and shihakushou.

His greeting when he approaches the younger shinigami is a little less enthusiastic than it might be--if he's here of his own accord, it's best not to push him--but he still gives Byakuya an easy grin.]

You should dress casually more often. It suits you a lot.

[He himself is out of uniform, which he isn't usually--he's comfortable enough in it to wear it for everyday purposes. But hey, it's a party.]


xnoble_reasonx July 8 2010, 08:03:39 UTC
[He breaks away from those simple musings to regard perhaps one of the only people he'd be willing to talk to. He had expected Kaien to urge him to participate, had resigned himself to it, but it was a much welcome, pleasant surprise he'd been able to decide without an outside influence.]

It is reserved for special occasions. [The only time he'd ever walked around without those noble heirlooms had been around the estate and usually only in her presence. It feels odd.]

Have you made a wish?


heartbetween July 8 2010, 08:14:10 UTC
[It's rather nice to be able to talk like this. Only months ago, Byakuya would have tried to shoo him off or ignored him outright. He knows they're not exactly close yet either, but he appreciates Byakuya closing some of the distance.]

Don't think I've ever seen you out of uniform, actually.

[And then a soft chuckle.]

Yeah, I have.

[He doesn't say that part of the wish is for Byakuya to see him as a friend someday]


xnoble_reasonx July 8 2010, 08:37:43 UTC
[He'll never tell him, but... he appreciates Kaien's presence. Very few are willing to remain. Maybe it's just one of those things that comes up when one thinks about something as silly as wishes, but he doesn't really think it matters. He's not exactly in the mood to spend today alone, no point in over-analyzing it.]

There hasn't been a reason to.

[He says nothing about that chuckle, though a little part of him is curious as to what, exactly had been wished for.]

... It is calm. [A little distant, though he's careful not to make it seem odd. It's just an observation, after all those zombies that had attacked (and dragged back). This peace seemed surreal.]


princely_calyx July 9 2010, 07:11:35 UTC
[Utena barely recognized her sensei out of uniform. It was that strange hair piece that gave him away. It was surprising, to say the least, to see him here. True, he worked closely with Kaien but she hadn't expected him to show up for the festival. Parties never seemed to be his thing.

Once he had placed his wish on the plant, she picked up a cup of hot tea and brought it over. It was possible he wouldn't acknowledge her in public. He never really did before. But she believed she had to be civil to everyone.]

Would you like some tea, sensei?


xnoble_reasonx July 10 2010, 14:39:22 UTC
[He did not expect to be approached. Very few ever had and he had grown rather fond of the lack of attention from these people he associated with only as needed. Ah, but she had not been here for previous functions. He could not expect everyone to follow normal precautions and somehow, even in full uniform, he doubted he could shoo her away. She didn't seem quite intimidated on their first meeting, either.

His regards her with a stare that probably isn't as intimidating as he intends.]

... that is unnecessary.


princely_calyx July 11 2010, 04:43:01 UTC
[Guess he wasn't a tea drinker. Odd, she had totally pegged him as one. Well, she'd been wrong about other things before. Utena shrugged and placed the tea on an in-reach table; she might have it herself later. She ignored his stare, smiled and looked out onto the sea of people.]

I think the festival is going quite well. Are you enjoying yourself?


xnoble_reasonx July 16 2010, 04:42:38 UTC
[He watched her set it aside. It had nothing to do with the tea itself. He was certain it would probably be a very good tea. He simply had no desire to socialize more than necessary. Tea seemed to be one thing common in any world to be an open invitation for people to speak. He had no such desire, especially not with a student.]

What did you want?


princely_calyx July 16 2010, 09:00:37 UTC
[Utena blinked at his very direct question. She was trying to be friendly and sociable. What was wrong with that? Her voice now had an edge when she spoke.]

I wanted to offer you some tea. That's it.

[She paused. It was probably better to hold her tongue. What good would it do to stir up trouble during this festival, when everything was going so well and everyone was forgetting some of their troubles?

Why is that a big deal?

[Utena had never been good at keeping her mouth shut.]


xnoble_reasonx July 17 2010, 06:39:34 UTC
I didn't ask for it.

[And, to him, that should answer all of her questions. He had never asked for it, he had never given any indication he so wanted it, so it should never have been brought. Even after nearly eight months in this place, he still has not changed those habits. He refuses to.

His stare is disapproving, however and he believes that, too, should be enough to silence her, to send her on her way. Well, that is the intent. He's aware they aren't intimidating without his kenseikan.]


princely_calyx July 18 2010, 06:24:27 UTC
I was offering to be nice. People usually offer other people food and drink to be polite. At least in my world they do.

[Really? This over some tea and small talk?]

I forgot that polite isn't something you do.

[Go on, keep staring. Utena didn't look away; she would not be intimidated by his glare.]


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