[ Open Headquarters Log ]

Jul 04, 2010 19:22

Who: Kaien Shiba heartbetween and OPEN TO ANYONE!
When: Backdated like crazy to the beginning of the zombie infestation
Where: Patrol Headquarters
Format: Action, prose, whatever floats your boat.
What: Open headquarters log! Feel free to mingle/bicker/whathaveyou <3
Warnings: Will add as necessary

Safe havens )

kaien shiba, quatre raberba winner, utena tenjo, mei chan, riza hawkeye

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cop_for_one_day July 7 2010, 03:35:27 UTC
[Leon is slouched, with absolutely horrid posture, in the most comfortable place he can find, which is a wooden armchair. He's either resting with his eyes closed or sleeping very lightly, it's hard to tell.

Want to poke him and find out?]


sandrocker July 7 2010, 03:39:40 UTC
[Of course, Quatre will poke.]


[Look, it is a tiny one, bundled in a white scarf and bloody jacket and a pair of gloves too big for his hands. He looks happy to have found Leon, though.]


dude I need a halfsmile icon cop_for_one_day July 7 2010, 03:44:32 UTC
[His eyes jerk open-- maybe he was half-asleep -- and then regard Quatre with a grim smile.]

Hey. Glad to see you're all right.


you mean Leon can smile?! jk jk sandrocker July 7 2010, 03:53:49 UTC
[Quatre shrugs and takes a seat near Leon, pulling his gloves off. His hands probably look smaller now.]

Zombies are easy targets.


in cannon... not really. -_- I have a photoshopped smile though cop_for_one_day July 7 2010, 03:59:40 UTC
[He glances at them, starting to realize how young this guy must be.]

Depends. What're you fighting with?


hahaha, omg. sandrocker July 7 2010, 04:21:18 UTC
[For more mood dissonance, Leon can marvel that Quatre is 5'2" and rather slender. Or that his voice is girlish and higher pitched than the woman that sounds almost exactly like him.]

Beretta 98. [So a semi-automatic pistol.]


want me to reply to you below as well or no? cop_for_one_day July 7 2010, 05:02:07 UTC
Ah. I've got a custom model and a Remmingt--

[Wait a second.]

How old are you, anyway?


uhh, if you want! idk what could happen there that isn't here, lol. sandrocker July 7 2010, 05:24:05 UTC
[This again?]



lol that was my thought. XD cop_for_one_day July 7 2010, 08:17:39 UTC
[If you are seventeen, it seems a reasonably mature age. However, if you are thirty-three, this is not the case.]

You seem a lot older.


sandrocker July 7 2010, 19:06:47 UTC

[Totally missing the point. Quatre works with people Leon's age that take don't really take him seriously; he's a ~child, they say.]


cop_for_one_day July 8 2010, 02:39:35 UTC
[His face my be a child, but his mind doesn't seem to be. There's a long pause as he's starting to realize why it's so easy to talk to Quatre: something about him screams 'child soldier', now that he's listening for it. He'd be lying if that revelation didn't come with a little guilt.]

Yeah. You're familiar with combat, huh?


sandrocker July 8 2010, 02:52:49 UTC
I prefer aerial combat.

[It's easier, disconnected - less of a reminder you're actually killing someone.]


cop_for_one_day July 8 2010, 05:54:36 UTC
So you can fly?

[He seems genuinely curious. Because at least where he's from, you need to be 21 for a pilot's reminiscence.]


sandrocker July 8 2010, 06:03:56 UTC
Oh - yes. Quite well, if I do say so myself.

[Vanity, thy name is Quatre.]


stole your tl;dr meme, hence slow replies cop_for_one_day July 8 2010, 06:18:02 UTC
That's... cool, I guess.

[Cool that you're an awesome pilot. Not cool that you have to know how to kill people. Then, a pause. You have his curiosity already, so...]

What's it like where you're from?


...lol. did you actually read that monster? sandrocker July 8 2010, 06:27:12 UTC
Compared to the places others are from, I suppose you would consider it the future. People live in space.

[Don't make him draw pictures, too, Leon. :(]


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