[ Open Headquarters Log ]

Jul 04, 2010 19:22

Who: Kaien Shiba heartbetween and OPEN TO ANYONE!
When: Backdated like crazy to the beginning of the zombie infestation
Where: Patrol Headquarters
Format: Action, prose, whatever floats your boat.
What: Open headquarters log! Feel free to mingle/bicker/whathaveyou <3
Warnings: Will add as necessary

Safe havens )

kaien shiba, quatre raberba winner, utena tenjo, mei chan, riza hawkeye

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pandamaiden July 5 2010, 07:32:33 UTC
When Scar had dropped her off, she wanted to argue. Despite her fear, despite the way the air felt every time she allowed her mind to wander, she wanted to help. She wanted to protect him because everyone knew Scar was reckless and could very well get hurt, even if there were a lot of people out there helping.

But Mei also understood that she'd never fought anything like that and that, as one of the clinic workers, she was needed here. Even if they were just scrapped knees, bruises or whatever people came in with after they fought their way here. It wasn't easy getting them to let her help, but kids were, sometimes, more receptive of kids, especially little girls who thought little pandas were cute.

Mei smiled down after patching up a scratched up palm of a little girl who'd fallen on her way here and turned to see if there was anyone else who needed help. It was almost possible to miss Riza, if she hadn't been looking for people she knew. Right now, in this place, it was good for her, she thought. She had seemed so... upset? No, there wasn't a word for it. But she couldn't let her be, not now.

"Riza-san! You were already here?" She greeted with a tiny smile.


firebornfidelis July 5 2010, 09:22:59 UTC
After so much time alone with her grief, with only Hayate and sometimes Utena as companions, the activity of headquarters was a little overwhelming. She pushed all of this strange nervousness down - she had never been a nervous person, and this feeling was beginning to annoy her - and moved along the perimeter of the room until Mei found her.

Riza blinked at the little girl for a moment, not quite sure how to respond to her at first.

"Yes," she answered slowly. "I live here." She glanced from the girl to her little panda and offered a very wan smile in an effort to assuage the questions and concern she felt were inevitable.


pandamaiden July 7 2010, 03:09:51 UTC
"Oh, I see..." That was a pretty good idea. Though, she'd never actually come here before, so she hadn't expected people to actually stay here. She wasn't sure what she expected, maybe some really advanced rooms full of strange machines and loud beeps and lots of blinking lights of so many colors it was impossible to name them all, but people living in those rooms were just as good.

Mei returned that smile, forcing a bit of extra cheer into it. Riza had been... quiet. Not that she really spoke all that much the times they associated, but she seemed to withdraw even more, and while Mei didn't exactly understand (she knew death, knew the pain that came with it and the fact that it was still new), she knew that Riza had to be facing something that needed that bit of help to bring her out. If she couldn't do anything outside of these walls, she would do whatever she could within them. First target: Riza Hawkeye.

"You are doing all right?" It seemed awkward to her the moment she said it, but Mei paid little attention to it. Xiao-Mei sat as comfortably as she could on her typical perch, shivering what Mei refused to allow show. "You probably came down to help outside. Maybe you should stay in. I could use some help."


firebornfidelis July 7 2010, 05:27:47 UTC
Riza pressed her lips into a thin line at the question of how she was doing. She didn;t like to be asked it because it asked her to consider how she was doing and that was something she was trying to avoid. So she had no real answer to that, and particularly not one she wanted to give the little girl. She took a breath at the suggestion of going outside, trying not to glance over her shoulder.

"Could you?" she asked. Whether Mei knew it or not, occupation was exactly what she was looking for in coming down the stairs in the first place. What she wanted was to feel useful and be distracted. "I'd be glad to help you if you need."


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