(no subject)

May 28, 2010 23:19

Who: Martha (drjonessmith ) and Jennifer (oopsiatehim )
When: After the log with Link, once the maze is fully formed
Where: The maze.
Format: Paragraph
What: Martha loses Link, goes searching,unhappy with findings
Warnings: Violence

Alone in the Mist. Not the best situation for anyone, but especially not for someone so new here. The feelings of dread that swallowed her the moment she entered the Mist had developed fully into panic. Once she and Link had been separated (what HAD happened to him? The Mist was too thick to tell) she had just started running. So far she hadn't been attacked yet, and for that at least she was grateful. There had been shadows, barely visible moving on the other side of the solid Mist... but it wasn't worth worrying about.

The adrenaline was finally going down. Without stopping to question she plopped onto the ground, Adeola falling onto her lap. "Well, this has been a bit of a failure," she said to no one in particular. Honestly, there was no way of knowing, only that her instincts told her something was out there.

Thankfully, she had kept calm enough not to shoot into the Mist. Her gun was fully-loaded still. If anything came after her in the future, she'd be ready.

"All right, time to plan," she whispered; even surrounded by impenetrable white Mist, she couldn't get rid of the feeling someone might hear her. "So I've lost Link. But hope isn't lost. I just need to reach that shop and wait. If he doesn't show up, there will probably be people there, right? I could round up a group and go looking. Until then..." She held her Forge up to her face, pressing the buttons to try and filter a message to him.

That's when she noticed the smell.

It's odd. With all of her focus spent on what she could see, what sounds might indicate footsteps behind her, she hadn't noticed the smell that must have been bed ages ago. She stood up, slowly, and tried to decide if she wanted to follow it. The odor was familiar, yet unthinkable.

"Link?" She cried out without really expecting a response (or the correct one,at least). She took a few steps forward, placing her hands forward to feel for the Mist walls.

A few minutes later she heard a splash at her feet. Did she really have a choice? She looked down.

At her feet was a man's arm, sticking out from the Mist at an odd angle. The blood was not coming from any injuries on the arm, and yet she knew in her heart the man was dead. Yet she didn't scream. she'd seen the dead before. It was almost a relief, to have her fears validated. He was skinny, whoever this man was, with wisps of brown hair covering the back. She took a few steps forward, she hand brushing at the Mist involuntarily. When it cleared, the picture was more complete. That's when she screamed.

The man's jaw was slack, face contorted in a scene of incredible pain. The rest of him was barely recognizable as a person. The neck was covered in blood and obviously missing chunks of flesh. The torso was completely a mess, reminiscent of the corpses she had dissected back in med school. The skin was open and the organs were spread out before her. Yet they were in the wrong places; what was left of the lung was left near the man's thighs, while the heart was missing entirely. The intestines were practically shredded and spilling out in ribbons.

She had to put her hands over her own mouth to cut off her cries of horror. Only when she knew she was calm did she release her lips. "Who did this? What did this? Is this the monster's doing?" She pulled her gun close, thanking whatever deity that saw fit to leave her with a fully loaded weapon.

-incomplete, martha jones

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