[closed] for renovations

May 18, 2010 21:15

Who: Nina (likethebeast) and Sakura (sucker_punches)
When: night, shortly following this conversation
Where: the abandoned orphanage in the mist
Format: action /o/
What: Sakura accompanies Nina to the orphanage, because neither of them have any self-preservation apparently
Warnings: Sad ghosts? Possible traumas coming up? I'll update this when necessary.

Well behaved women seldom make history. )

-incomplete, anna liebert/nina fortner, sakura haruno

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XD I like that you used that quote as the cut text! sucker_punches May 19 2010, 05:42:32 UTC
[Sakura can't say she holds no trepidation re-tracing the path to this haunted place. She didn't like it. Not as vehemently and obviously as Naruto but the orphanage is disconcerting, to put it mildly. Creepy is more honest.

She wouldn't be here if it weren't for Nina, but there's no way she could let the woman go alone. Is it the ghosts that rattled Nina, or something else?

Something tells Sakura that she might very well find out.

Coming out of the thin mist, she spots the other woman waiting in front of the house. She waves, and does her best to smile convincingly.]

Hey there.

[She pauses in front of Nina, as if hesitant.]

You ready to do this?

[It's an invitation to back out, more than anything else.]


i thought it was very appropriate! ...and couldn't think of anything else >.> likethebeast May 20 2010, 08:06:44 UTC
[Nina smiles back, although a little of her nervousness peeks through, too. In a way she feels guilty about how Sakura gives her the opportunity for them both to leave, and the truth is it would likely be for the better if they did.]


[She gives the house an appraising glance before answering. And when she looks back to Sakura, her expression is much more resolute than it was a few seconds ago.]

Yes, I'm ready. Thank you for this. I think I have to go in there... it's a long story, but I feel like...

I just can't ignore this place.

[She takes a breath.]

All right, let's go.

[And she carefully begins making her way to the front door.]


They are a pair of troublemakers, aren't they? sucker_punches May 20 2010, 16:21:05 UTC
[Sakura can only nod. She isn't entirely convinced that it's a good idea for Nina to be doing this, but it's her decision... and a part of Sakura (a large part) understands what it is to do necessary things against one's judgment.

She's still worried, of course. But this is why she's here, isn't it? To make sure nothing happens.

She lets Nina take the lead, follows her at a relatively close distance, and casts a surreptitious glance over her shoulder to make sure they weren't being followed. You never know.]


hey, at least nina's not dressed like a hooker this time! likethebeast May 23 2010, 00:41:34 UTC
[It's at the door that she stops again, hand outstretched but not quite reaching the handle. Her breath catches a little when she first hears the noise coming from inside - the soft, awkward tinkling of a piano somewhere.]

[She balls her hand up into a fist briefly before opening the door.]


[Inside, it's a quaint, well-polished little place, in stark contrast to the feel it gives her, and Nina glances back at Sakura before stepping into the foyer.]

It's... new? It doesn't look like it's been out here for as long as it must have been.

[A little frown, as she tries to get her bearings. She wants to ask where Sakura traveled through the last time she was here, but...]

That music... where is it coming from?


... THIS time? Nina what have you been up to. sucker_punches June 10 2010, 04:29:30 UTC
[Ah. Yes, Nina's astonishment is expected; it reflected her own, finding this place that looked so unmolested by time and the monsters that roamed the Mist.]

I had the same reaction when I first stepped into this place. It doesn't make any sense, but... there's a lot here that doesn't make any sense.

[For example, the ghosts.

Sakura closes the door behind her, shutting them in, because as eerie as this place is, said ghosts couldn't do them any harm. As frightening as they were--and Sakura can't deny she found them unnerving--there were real threats out there that she doesn't want coming inside to confront them. Not so easily, at least.]

There's a playroom upstairs with some kind of musical instrument; that's where the music is from.

So... [A pause.] Where do you want to start?


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