[CLOSED] Tsubasa Reunion for 2, please.

May 13, 2010 00:04

Who:  Fai [melodious_magic ] and Kurogane [vagrantninja ]
When: Early evening
Where: Duncan's pub, could lead elsewhere
Format: Paragraph
What: After two months of not hearing a word, Kurogane pops into town.  Fai is a little more than surprised, and quite overjoyed.  The two meet up to have a nice 'chat'.
Warnings: Sarcasm and threats from Kuro, sickeningly sweet amounts of happiness from Fai.  The normal.


Fai sighed, running a hand through his hair nonchalantly.  The strands fell in an unorganized tousle on either side of his face - no matter what he did, he could never control it anyways.  It was almost time for a haircut, in fact - if he just pulled it around like this... and scooped it up like that... yes, he was certain it was long enough for a ponytail by now.  He wasn't aware of any hair cutting services around Anatole though.  Eeeeeh, he'd just do it himself.  Whatever.

Duncan's pub was rowdy tonight, which was a surprise considering how early it was.  The sun was still setting in the sky, and already the local men were starting up pub songs to sing in rounds over a pitcher of beer.  Or whatever it was that the pub served here - Fai wasn't sure if they had beer, or sake, or rum, or if they called it something completely different.  Same outcome, he supposed, from the look of some of the red-cheeked men inside.  He couldn't help but smile a little at their badly sung, off-key tunes that were drifting through the walls.

His attention, however, was quickly distracted.  He didn't see the man, as much as sense him; a long time of travelling [and a lot of training] made him pretty sensitive to people approaching.  This man in particular.  Pushing off the wall, he brushed off his shirt - he was dressed pretty casually today [the fashion around here was wonky anyways]; simple blue t-shirt, some loose-fitting jeans, and a set of sneakers.  His travelling clothes were tucked away in a box back in his room, under the bed, along with his precious white coat, which had only been returned to him a few days ago.

"Good evening, Kuro-pipi," he said cheerily, entwining his fingers behind his head and leaning on one foot.

-incomplete, fai d. flourite, kurogane

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