Newbie's guide to a new world...

Nov 23, 2009 11:36

Who: Souji Seta (socialinksarego), Miranda Lotto (rewindpendulum), Oruha (marked_songbird), Kanda Yu (lotus_keeper), Lenalee Lee (lenalee_lee
When: After this
Where: In front of the apartments
Format: Paragraph please~
What: Miranda's panicking, and needs a bit of newbie solidarity. Souji's willing to provide.
Warnings: Miranda panicking - the cute overwhelms.

He slipped his Forge into his pocket, quietly ruminating the things he'd learned and the things that he didn't learn. At least he found the name of his new location, found some new possible contacts.

That he found a surrogate Yosuke almost made him laugh. Almost. Hefting his bag over his shoulder, he was just glad that he had his important things with him on his carry on. Slipping his Blade of Totsuka under his jacket until it followed the curve of his spine, he made a few more mental notes.


He ought to visit Berend. Starting to jog towards the apartment complex, he searched out a woman with dark hair. Berend, job-search, meeting new people, Mist-searching...

Souji's good at time management.

souji seta, -incomplete, oruha, miranda lotto, kanda yu, lenalee lee

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