April 24th, 2010

Apr 25, 2010 18:28

Who: Utena princely_calyx and Riza firebornfidelis 
When: Saturday April 24th, noontime
Where: Utena's apartment
Format: Third person; Paragraph
What: Riza shows Utena around.
Warnings: None

Utena sat on her bed, waiting for Riza. She'd gone over a list of things she needs and questions she wants to ask someone more experienced in the ways of Anatole. Satisfied, she put it on the bed beside her. Her uniform still is filled with holes. Thankfully, all the holes were at best slits, so it could be worn in public for now. She needs to find a tailor, though. She's not willing to give up her Ohtori uniform just yet.

Mostly she's worried about how she will survive in this new place. She has no money and no skills to make herself valuable. So far she has depended upon the kindness of strangers. But that can only last so long and she hates that she's burdening people like this already. Soon she'll run out of food.

She heaved a sigh. She has to start cheering up; this brooding never does anything good for her. Work on survival first, then try to find Himemiya. It's how it has to be.

To be truthful though, she was looking forward to finally meeting Riza. She had been very kind to her over the Forge and could be a potential friend. Utena smiled at this thought.

-complete, utena tenjo, riza hawkeye

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