
Apr 20, 2010 06:17

Who: Senji (clawofsin) and Scar (lonestray)
When: hells of backdated, to shortly after this conversation
Where: Duncan's pub
Format: Action
What: Senji thinks Scar is boring and tries to fix it with alcohol. This plan cannot fail.
Warnings: ...bad language and liquor (for now)

[Just a few minutes before he should be there, Senji leans back against the wall of the building, waiting... more or less patiently. It was true that if Scar happened to be late, he'd simply go inside and force the other man to search for him himself. And it would serve him right, too.]

[But then, Senji doesn't expect him to be late anyway. Not because he said he wouldn't be, but just because. That would be too disappointing..]

[So, he leans his head back against the building and waits. Just a few more minutes now.]

senji "crow" kiyomasa, scar, incomplete

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