Holding hands, we're lost in the fog but we're sure of one thing...

Nov 18, 2009 13:42

Who: Riku (biggestnobody), Sakura Haruno (sucker_punches), Haruka Doumeki (smoke_koan), Shizuka Doumeki (eicureanshield), Kimihiro Watanuki (confinedintime), Xion (recidivated), Sora (fightswithkeys), OPEN
When: Fog Event day 2, midday
Where: Outlander Community Block, apartments entrance
Format: Paragraph
What: Retrieving Sora. After this and this. Unfortunately, the only way to do that is to brave the fog again...
Warnings: This is part of the event, and the event is enough of a warning on its own.

With a brief apology to his generous hosts, Riku left the safety of their apartment. They understood, thankfully, why he had to go and leave. He had to make up for the trouble he had caused them, a proper thank you when this was over. Briefly shaking his head at the sudden, debilitating thought that this will never be over, he picked up the scent of magic, just like before.

Making a face, he pressed his clothed arm to his nose to avoid being affected as quickly as before and took off running to the entrance.

It's getting worse, he thought, starting to hear whispers that he was sure wasn't there before. It didn't seep inside the buildings before.

He almost regretted not having the ability to summon Dark Corridors. It was ridiculously useful in terms of moving about quickly or stealthily, even at a small cost. But... he was sure that he could probably do it again, if he tried hard enough to relearn it.

But that was for later. Now, though... now he had to meet up with Sakura, then he was going to grab Sora and give him the worst noogie possible for leaving the apartment.

xion, riku, shizuka doumeki, haruka doumeki, sora, -incomplete, kimihiro watanuki, sakura haruno

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