
Mar 14, 2010 14:07

Who: L Lawliet sweetenedlogic & Light Yagami xanatospileup 
When: After this transmission.
Where: Light's pad, Outlander Community Block.
Format: Paragraph.
What: L has arrived and demanded Light's address. Having acquired it, he then goes to meet him.
Warnings: Hoo, crikey. Um, probably violence and anything that goes with it. I'll put a rating on as the log progresses!

I do evil things & evil things return )

light yagami, l lawliet

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sweetenedlogic March 14 2010, 19:29:49 UTC
"Don't," he spat tightly, "issue me with orders."

The door slammed as L entered, letting Light stare at him as much as he wanted; his eye was on the locks, sliding what he could into place before returning his attention. Hunkered, he followed Light further into the room, sparing a glance for the destruction with an indulgent quirk at the edge of thin lips.

In a far softer tone, he amended, "Bad day? I know what they feel like."

He had too many options, all of them keening to cause as much pain as possible. He was L, he reminded himself, and wouldn't go to pieces over a criminal, even one that had slain him in the safety of his own offices, a liar and a cheat, You used the shinigami, I know you did, you must have, I hate you for beating me. There was no end to the foul anger brewing inside, pin-pointing the ghostly ache in his chest.

"I'd say you're full of surprises, but we'd both be kidding ourselves, wouldn't we? Kira." It felt satisfying to say the name directly and not to have to tack on if you are. Knowing for certain was a breath of fresh air, almost (but not quite) worth dying for. "Why should I call you anything else? I should expose you where you stand, murderer."


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sweetenedlogic March 14 2010, 20:01:56 UTC
Not once had he heard Light speak in such a fashion - he wasn't a growing boy any longer, that much was evident by the squarer set of once-teenage shoulders, something that was reason enough to have developed a nasty sense of righteousness on top of the smirk he had given L - but it was still a shock seeing him transform into Kira before his very eyes. Knowing was all very well, but the sight of it ...

The cursing snapped him out of a disjointed sense of pity, back to anger. L's was far quieter as his temper grew, burning behind large grey eyes, and he became very still. He needed to, unsure how long he could stave off out-right attacks.

"You're older," he stated, looking Light over distastefully. "Not too much, though. Does that mean you were also killed and Kira failed? Over the Forge you said you knew my heirs, I'm enormously proud of them if they were the ones who reduced you to this mess but, even if they didn't and this is all a by-product of Kira's ideals, it's no disappointment."

L might have appeared ruffled at the edges, but Light managed to look like he had dragged himself backwards through a hedge in the time it had taken for L to arrive.

"You got what you deserved, I see."


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sweetenedlogic March 14 2010, 20:45:48 UTC
The way in which they glared could have burned a hole straight through whatever universe had sucked them both in and spat them into each others laps in seconds, had it been solidified. L happened to glance away at the paper lying around, none of it recognisably listed with names or suchlike, and it was then that his foolishness was rewarded with a knuckle sandwich.

Light's reaction was untimely but not unexpected, snapping L's face sideways with the force of his fist and splitting a lip. Rocked backwards, he dropped a hand and swung up viciously with the heel of a foot, aiming likewise for Light's jaw. He wouldn't stop this time, there was no reason to pretend he didn't want to tie the murderous bastard up and forsake him forever in a prison. He had taken away everything L had worked for, not least his only friend - and by that, L did not include Kira.


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sweetenedlogic March 14 2010, 21:25:20 UTC
L had moments to brace for the impact of the lamp, raising an arm and ducking as swiftly as possible, but he still gritted his teeth when the object shattered against his forearm and shoulder, eyes squeezed shut to avoid the free-falling shards as pain jolted up his arm and electrified his muscles. Incensed, he gave up on caring about being a paragon of maturity and splayed his arms in a rugby tackle, diving to knock Light to the floor. Even if he didn't succeed, he was still at the perfect crouch to return a solid punch to a gut on eye-level.


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sweetenedlogic March 14 2010, 21:54:35 UTC
"You -" Seething, L snatched the front of Light's shirt and hauled. "You killed Watari."

Scrabbling to keep his position, he dug his knees into the ground either side of Light's waist and used every bit of strength he owned to keep him there when he drew back his fist and growled between gritted teeth.

"More than before, you've made this very personal, Light-kun."

And then he aimed for Kira's pretty face, repeatedly.


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sweetenedlogic March 14 2010, 22:15:58 UTC
Viciously incensed, L hesitated beating Light into a fine Yagami-coloured pulp to drag him up again, the hit to his face breaking his concentration long enough for him to revert back to kicking, a knee jabbing for a gut. It was a never-ending brawl.

"The shinigami, Rem - you did something, you convinced her to kill both of us - you couldn't even do it yourself." Coughing on the blood seeping from his cut lip, L clawed at Light's hair, looming over him.

"He was better than a father to me and your selfish, stupid goals ripped through him as though he were nothing. Surplus. Don't you dare mention him in front of me ever again or I will kill you in your sleep, how does that fare for foul play?"


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sweetenedlogic March 14 2010, 22:40:23 UTC
"It doesn't matter who brought him up, don't reference him in front of me," L hissed. Dropping Light in disgust, his fists curled on the other man's shoulders as he stared down, wide-eyed with alarm, anger and horror. Panting, he glared. "I'm not like you," he said heavily, bowing his head. He wanted so much to take Light's neck and stamp on it, to crush the lies out of his windpipe once and for all, but he couldn't. "I am nothing like you, a delusional criminal."

Trembling with the effort it took to hold back from inflicting any more damage, his shoulders slumped.

"I wanted you to be Kira because that would round out everything about the Yagami Light I knew, his brilliance and determination, Kira owned all those qualities. I thought you weren't you without this side, but ... I hate you for it. I never took that into account before."


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sweetenedlogic March 14 2010, 23:07:59 UTC
His grip tightened by degrees until the sound of tearing seams stunned him into releasing Light altogether, backing off to stand up.

"You're every bit as infantile," he replied automatically, "needing to kill the masses just to beat one man." Glancing up, his gaze narrowed, words tinted with poisonous pride. "Kira and L? You can't even hold a candle to me; looks like the successors I personally selected put you down in the end. I win, you lose."


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