
Feb 27, 2010 17:58

Who: Nagi (internecineowl) and Senji (clawofsin)
When: Saturday Night, 2/27
Where: Duncan's Bar
Format: Action, sob for the log-bog
What: Nagi needs a break from his recent stresses, and Senji has a few questions to... interrogate Nagi about. Somehow this ends up with Nagi buying Senji a drink? Moon logic!
Warnings: Apparently violence, LMAO. And bad language.

[On an average day, Nagi was not troubled by troubles.]

[Call it a gift - tranquility, maybe. Something he had determined to find, and something his late, beloved wife had helped to cultivate in him as well. It had kept him grounded through tragedy and loss, through years in Deadman Wonderland, and through the first few weeks in Anatole - a strange adjustment in itself.]

[Still, every location, every person, suffers a shift in the winds from time to time. And in the end, the rain will always come.]

[He doesn't feel well, these days. Something of a bug. That's probably the problem, really - his nerves are a bit exposed from the illness. Still, the night is pleasant, and he can enjoy the brisk wind, the cool air, as he walks from the shop to the bar where he's arranged to meet Senji. A bit of an escape for the both of them - Senji from his time with Priscilla and Nagi from his ceaseless, spinning thoughts.]

[Well, he should be able to smile in the face of the encroaching storm anyway. It's always been his way.]

[So, stress or not, illness or not, he can enjoy the pub itself, as well. He even enjoys the cacophonous deluge of noise that comes along with the warm air, the gold light, and the mugs of beer and ale and other, exotic drinks. Nagi himself orders a hot sake, leans against the bar, and waits.]

senji "crow" kiyomasa, nagi "owl" kengamine, -complete

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