[OPEN] Party Party?

Feb 13, 2010 20:06

When: Sunday Evening.
Where: The Ceolsige (A former ship, now event hall floating by the docks).
Format: Action? Prose? Work it out for yourselves, actually - whatever makes you happy.
What: It's a part on Valentine's Day, but not a Valentine's Day Party.
Warnings: Oh who even knows. Nothing so far, nudge me if I need ( Read more... )

sasori, helen, kaien shiba, erika furudo, light yagami, mei chan, namine, zack fair, arthur pendragon, tohru adachi, priscilla, scar

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applelimber February 14 2010, 04:42:08 UTC
[Did she show up? A far better question would be, what could possibly make Helen miss it? There were reasons to have a party, not counting the most obvious about the holiday. There was a missed birthday, not to mention the serious need for a certain Claymore to learn how to have fun.

But not her. That she arrived ready, willing, and able to party was written all over Helen's face. And whatever else wasn't covered by her red and black dress. Hey, the shop that she got it from came highly recommended.

...By Dismas's working class girls.]


righttocarry February 14 2010, 10:10:43 UTC
Holy crap!

[The exclamation was involuntary, familiar, and right behind her. Adachi wasn't really sure if that was appropriate party wear, but hey, he wasn't going to complain. With a grimace at his own outburst, he stared awkwardly up at the ceiling. ]

I mean, uh, hey. Can I get you a drink?


applelimber February 14 2010, 17:59:54 UTC
[Both eyebrows raised at the little outburst, but a glance back over her shoulder was all it took to make Helen smile again.]

Oh, there you are.

[As if she'd been waiting for him, expecting him to show. But why not? It was his birthday that helped set these wheels in motion.]

Sure you can. But only if you get one for yourself too.

[She turned to face him completely, that smile becoming a grin as she reached a hand towards his red tie.]

What a coincidence. We even match.


righttocarry February 14 2010, 18:24:02 UTC
[Hand. Tie. Touching. Adachi blinked at her for a moment while he waited for his brain to catch up.]

We do? Well, yeah, I guess we do! It wasn't really on purpose- I mean, I didn't know what you were gonna wear, right? Not that it's not nice! You look really- It's um, a neat co-incidence.

[Dammit! And he'd wanted to be smooth tonight, too. Maybe if she hadn't gone and worn that freaking outfit...! Adachi tried not to look too frustrated.]

I-I'll just get those drinks. What'll you have?


applelimber February 14 2010, 18:47:30 UTC
[And she just let him ramble on too, the sadist. But he was kind of cute that way. It reminded her a little of Priscilla. Helen could only imagine the two of them together.

But. Maybe she'd just keep this one to herself.]

Thanks. It's nice to wear something different for a change.

[Helen released his tie and smoothed it back down into place.]

I trust your taste. Whatever you're having is fine.


righttocarry February 14 2010, 20:12:15 UTC
Haha, you do? Okay then!

[Was that a test? That was totally a test! Oh man. Adachi rubbed the back of his head as he made his way to the bar. He returned soon enough clutching a cup in each hand, proffering one to Helen and trying to keep his eyes on her face.]

Here you are then, sensei. I asked for rum and coke, but I think the guy made it kinda strong.


applelimber February 14 2010, 21:23:00 UTC
Maybe I should handle the bar next time.

[It's hard to tell, but she might actually be serious. Helen nods her head a little to thank him before taking the cup and...drinking liberally.]

I was right. I've taught you well.

[Hmm, how much alcohol should she actually allow into her bloodstream...how about half.]

So how old were you? You know, on your actual birthday.


righttocarry February 15 2010, 05:10:49 UTC
[Pleased by the compliment, Adachi takes a sip of his own drink and winces a little - it is strong.]

It's hard to say, really! I mean, I turned twenty-five only a month or so before I got here, so having a birthday all over again in so short a time period... it feels weird to add another year just for that!


applelimber February 16 2010, 00:17:59 UTC

[Helen cocks her head to the side and narrows her eyes as she looks him up and down.]

Yeah, that looks about right. I'm not the best at guessing someone's age though.

[After all, years pass and she looks basically the same.]

So did you have a party for that one?


righttocarry February 16 2010, 01:54:13 UTC
Uh, for that one? n-No, I kinda missed it.

[Mostly because he was stuck in a goddamn prison cell. Details, details. Adachi drinks his drink.]

I've said before, I'm not that good at parties.


applelimber February 17 2010, 02:06:23 UTC
I don't know, you're doing pretty good at this one.

[Sure, he's not wearing a lampshade or anything on his head. Yet.]

I think you and me both need a little practice. Gotten sort of rusty at this kind of thing.


chainbell February 16 2010, 21:19:14 UTC
[Something about Helen drew Karako to her. She knew somebody who knew how to have fun when she saw one. So she found herself walking over in her direction, a heavy blush on her cheeks from all the booze she had been drinking.]

Hey! Welcome to the party.


applelimber February 17 2010, 02:17:00 UTC
[Birds of a feather, maybe? Game fowl to game fowl. Helen grins and hoists her drink up at the approaching woman.]

Oi! Thanks! Are you having as much fun as I am?

[Though the blush on her cheeks says it all.]


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