[OPEN] Wishbox and Holiday Party

Dec 19, 2011 21:23

Who: Anyone!
When: Early Monday through Late Friday
Where: Inside Berend's Found Goods Store
Format: Any!
What: Brought you by the joint efforts of Berend and Milena, it's the second annual Berend's Holiday Party and Wishbox Event!
Warnings: Not that I know of!

[They call it the Found Goods Store - the final location for little things brought into Anatole from other worlds. The shelves are stocked with goodies at all times - familiar things, unfamiliar things. If you cannot find items from your home here, it is unlikely that you'll find them anywhere else.]

[But this week, things are a little different.]

[Inside, a space has been cleared for a buffet, and in the center of the buffet, there sits a box - locked with a slit on the top. Beside the box is a stack of papers, and a pen. Beside that? A little sign that states simply:]

Philosophical or nonmaterial wishes need not apply.

[Write your wish, drop it into the box... and enjoy the meal.]

[ooc: The box is immune to tampering. If your character would like a gift - either from home or from Anatole, they may write their name and their wishlist and drop it in the box. It can be something very specific (my cat from home) or something general (a box of candy). They can ask for more than one thing if they like - in fact it's recommended, in case their first wish is unfulfillable. The wish has to be an item - sadly, even Berend and Milena cannot stock "hope" or "fulfilled ambitions." Requests can be made on another character's behalf, but please arrange it with the player so there isn't a conflicting request problem!

...truth be told this is just us collecting information on what to distribute to the characters later in the month. :D But why not do it in a nice way?]
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