( closed )

Dec 19, 2011 16:48

Who: lameguymove and stopkissingme
When: Backdated to 12/16.
Where: Caroline's place.
Format: Action.
What: Matt angsting because of his dream/broadcast mind and Caroline trying to cheer him up via Christmas tree decorating.
Warnings: Discussion of vampire things?

[ Matt wasn't really sure why he thought this was a good idea. Maybe it was the fact that Caroline had been there for him back when Vicki first disappeared, maybe it's because he still - no matter how hard he fights it - loves her. Or maybe it's just because he's not sure he can trust anyone else to deal with him when he's feeling like this, to listen to him talk about Vicki and what happened. If he decides to talk at all, anyways.

He grabs his winter coat and shoves his feet into his boots, then makes his way over to Caroline's. It's not a very long walk, all things considered, but it still feels like it takes way too long. He peels off one of the two gloves he's got on once he reaches her door and knocks before he has a chance to talk himself out of it. ]

matt donovan, caroline forbes

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