[Closed to Claymore Cast]

Dec 09, 2011 18:02

When: December 9th, evening.
Where: Priscilla's bedroom in the Headquarters. Visual references here!
Format: going to go with action!
What: Let's just call it a debriefing, not to mention an excuse to get the castmembers who avoid each other into one place. XD
Warnings: Possible ( Read more... )

miata, helen, tabitha, priscilla, irene, roxanne, flora, deneve, rigaldo, isley

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yetsleeping December 10 2011, 05:02:39 UTC
I'm been here for two years, and I've never met anything like that in the ruins. Never. It was... [She closes her eyes, tries to remember. Deep breaths.]

[Right. The beginning. Start at the beginning.]

It was a routine patrol. And then suddenly it was like... it was like being attacked by Teresa. Except it wasn't Teresa but I've fought her before, so I know what it feels like to cross with someone at that level. It didn't give off any energy signature... but I don't either, normally so I guess it doesn't mean-- I don't know. I don't even know if it was a person or a monster. It was only a few seconds, but it started by stabbing me through with... something. So I was already starting at a disadvantage.

I drove it off, but... Obviously not quickly enough.

[Priscilla glances over at Roxanne as she enters the room - another Number One. Would she be next? What about Miata?]

--I don't know whether it killed Teresa before or after it attacked me. All I know is that it retreated, and I was trying to get back to the city when I found Teresa.


Not all of you knew her. But she was-- I mean she is, I'm sure she'll be back! She... she's not just a Number One warrior. Her skill... her strength... I've never known a warrior her equal. She can even move quickly enough to counter Irene's Quicksword.

For something to defeat her... we're dealing with something at least as strong as an unusually powerful Number One warrior, and apparently without any yoki signature.


lilbloodeyes December 10 2011, 05:45:49 UTC
She-he-surpressed herself. And used to it. They are fast. They don't like you. Maybe not us. Maybe wounded or not.

[She ignores Isley and his doting, even Roxanne's entry as she growls at Rigaldo, her own hands twitching for her blade. But she doesn't reach for that. She doesn't need it. Rigaldo first, then a quick swipe of Isley's throat. Or just tear off his head. Whichever was easier.]

Easier to sneak, yes? On someone who uses speed, someone who can reach quick. Likely? Stab in the back, took the arms, then the head. Easiest that way. It stuck up on you. Yes?


swordofthenorth December 10 2011, 16:32:44 UTC
[Miata is a crude little thing, but Isley can see that she's a good killer...if nothing else. Her words would ordinarily draw a dark smile, but for now? Just a stare. Intense, watchful, and unblinking.]

Without a yoki signature could mean...a few things.

[He pushes a golden lock of Priscilla's hair behind her ear, but doesn't take his eyes off the warrior child, Miata.]

It could mean it is another one of you warriors, one with an ability to cloak their yoki as Priscilla has learned to do for the most part, one with the strength to go head-to-head with two of your strongest. It could also mean we're dealing with Abyss Feeders, as we all know there are some that are present...but that is less likely. They tend to hunt in packs, and I'm sure, given their tendencies, Priscilla would have gotten a good look at them. They're difficult to miss.

But whatever it was, if the facts are straight, it didn't want to be seen. It made sure of that. It had the sense to sneak up on Priscilla because it wasn't familiar enough with her to avoid injury. Which means it isn't something any of you have likely faced yet, which leads me to believe less in the Abyss Feeder theory. Someone of Teresa's ranking, and of Priscilla's strength, could have easily dispatched a small number of those creatures, and to have done what they did to Teresa? They'd have needed a number of encounters with her, first. Both Teresa and Priscilla would have reported such encounters.

Therefore, there is a small possibility it is something new to us in this world.

[He looks around the room and falls quiet, silently noting the faces that are present. His gaze lingers on Rigaldo...and then on Roxanne.]


lilbloodeyes December 10 2011, 20:07:53 UTC
It's not a feeder. There wasn't bite marks. One sword, only. Maybe not know of the feeders to fake.

[She shrugged. The feeders were introduced to her generation. She didn't like them one bit either. They reminded her too much of herself, in the worse kind of light. And they were truly better off dead.]

But it is strong. If it is new....Flora. Me. Came here quick. But...Flora is not strong enough. Me? Don't know. But wouldn't kill Teresa. She is...was...learning human. With her lips.

Respect that. Respect her. No need to kill warriors here.

Just Awakened...

[She snarls, and crouches. Unless someone stops her now, she's going for Rigaldo. And she's going for his head.]


silvereyedlion December 11 2011, 01:46:32 UTC
[Rigaldo may have been listening to every word exchanged, but he's been keeping his gaze on that half feral girl crouching by Priscilla's side. Miata, was it? She acted strangely for a warrior from the start, and now her ...bizarreness... is being directed at him.]

[He sneers at her in return, before she can move... and tightens his grip on Priscilla's sword.]

Are you going to start a war right here in this room, you idiot girl? I don't recall taking any warriors' heads lately, so save your growling for the real killer.

[He only looks away, momentarily, to glance at Flora - just like he remembers her, during their brief moment of meeting - and gives a soft huff.]

It could just as easily have originated here. The site was too disturbed to tell one way or another from tracks alone.


lilbloodeyes December 11 2011, 02:00:07 UTC
[She hissed at him. If she could have arched her back like a cat she would have. He. Was. Awakened. And her brain was screaming at her that she had to kill him. Had to. But if he didn't want it to be a war in the bedroom...]

If there is no yoki, no tracks. Then I am best finding. If the Mist didn't kill the scent-then there would be traces of it. I could find the killer. Just need location.

Unless you're scared to show me? Soft handed boy.

[She's rocking on her feet. This isn't helping her need to kill him and his kind. If he backed off...if he suppressed...maybe she could step back. It was difficult without Clarice to tell her right and wrong. She wouldn't even go for her sword. She'd just take him with her hands. That thought made her hiss through her teeth, still crouched like an overgrown spider. Still rocking as if barely holding back. Miata felt too restless with blood in the room. Blood inside rooms made her recall...bad memories.]


silvereyedlion December 11 2011, 02:13:26 UTC
[Whatever protests or concessions he might have made at the idea of dragging someone back out there are dropped instantly, and he leans forward, his voice darkening.]

You dare speak to me like that, you filthy--

[...probably a good time for someone to step in.]


yetsleeping December 11 2011, 02:15:44 UTC
[Ridiculous. Priscilla presses her lips together hard, and if she were at full strength she would act - stand, impose some kind of order. But instead her face ripples with veins briefly - a sign of her irritation, and her barely contained instability - and holds up her one functional hand.]

Anyone who starts anything is getting kicked through the wall into the backyard. I may not be at my best, but I still have legs.

[A long, deep breath. She lifts her head.]

The mist may well have destroyed any scents, but I can give the location, yes. I wouldn't suggest going there alone, Miata. I understand your strength. But anything that could kill Teresa would kill you too, alone.

In any case, it wasn't necessarily anything from our world. There are new creatures turning up here every day. My only concern is, well. I know there were other people in the ruins at that time, so why did it only attack us?

[She presses her lips together.]

It could be an awakened being. An awakened number two, or even a number three from a particularly strong generation could be strong enough to do this. Yoki suppression may be uncommon, but it's not completely unheard of, and a lot of them have attacks that could easily replicate a sword wound. And given the nature of the Door, it could have come from any time; any generation. It could have even come from after any of us... and then we wouldn't know what it was, or recognize its abilities.

[And then, just for good measure...]

Anyone who asks if it was any awakened being in this room will, again, get kicked through the wall. They wouldn't hurt me.

And in any case, I'm familiar with both of their fighting styles.


lilbloodeyes December 11 2011, 02:44:43 UTC
Am filth because of where I sleep, not what I am.

[She growls, and tenses, ready to get into some good old fashion ripping and tearing-but the ripple of yoki causes her to falter, and stare back at Priscilla. She doesn't like the woman-the power of her still makes her feel vile-but it was her invitation that brought her here. And it was not a good idea to cause this one to lose her marbles altogether. But she still didn't have to like this.]

If it was...then be obvious. Yes? You'd smell like them. Somehow. Or their sword. So it could be one of the strongest here. One of the newest. A yoki hunter. Another generation. Or a stupid like him.

[She isn't including Priscilla or Isley in this. Just Rigaldo. Feel so special little kitty.]

The Mist adds, changes. Mostly humans yes? But...could it make us different. Warp us. Awaken. Turn into feeders.

So. Should I go. If do, who best to come with? That someone might be the hunter.


swordofthenorth December 11 2011, 04:55:33 UTC
[The look Isley gives Rigaldo warns the other Awakened Being to stand down. Pride isn't something that needs defending against the insults of a child, however unique she is.]

[And when Priscilla speaks, warning others and saving Isley the effort, he smiles.]

It's alright, Priscilla. Both Rigaldo and I know full well that we're not trusted by our present company, excluding you. If they want to question us, let them. If it will cut the tension in this room in half...it may save us time and prevent grievances in the long run.

[His fingers stroke Priscilla's cheek one more time before he draws away from her. Pushing himself up from the bed, standing at its side and to his full height, he looks down at Miata.]

You. Did you hear a word Priscilla just said? You're not going hunting alone. Whether or not you should go at all, even accompanied, is entirely up to Priscilla. And, if she permits it, I would not recommend sending you with Rigaldo. You've already demonstrated that you can barely keep yourself under control around him. Much to my disappointment, he's barely controlled himself.

Priscilla? [Isley casts a sidelong glance her way, golden eyes sharp and bright, a mirror of her own.] Would you send me with the girl? I can keep her in line.


lovedthedeadone December 11 2011, 05:50:50 UTC
[Apparently Roxanne likes her dangerous games. Because she chooses this moment to speak up, with a smirk.]

It's funny how you offer to take that poor mad girl out into the ruins right after admitting to being untrusted. You threatened my life in public for no real reason - why in the world would anyone trust you with Miata?


Or Priscilla or Teresa, for that matter. If it were your yoki she felt, she would even have sufficient motivation to lie about it. Bias is a terrible thing.


silvereyedlion December 11 2011, 06:04:41 UTC
[Rigaldo narrows his eyes at Isley's scolding, which is completely unjustified. He didn't raise the blade in his hand against the girl, after all - doesn't that count as controlling himself?]

[So he's already bristling when Roxanne speaks up. He regards her coolly, regaining his composure.]

Don't be absurd. What would either of us have to gain from attacking Priscilla, or letting her survive if we did?

Question if you must, but being untrusted isn't an indication of guilt.


swordofthenorth December 11 2011, 06:20:33 UTC
I publicly threatened you, it's true. I don't deny it. In fact, I've never gone to any great lengths to hide my disdain for your kind-ask any of them. And, let each of them tell you how I have yet to raise my hand to them in this place despite that disdain, even though opportunity has favored me many, many times.

[Isley leans up against the bed post, a smile as relaxed as his posture appearing on his face.]

Besides, Miata is a child. Her tongue may be as feral as she is, but that is something I can forgive her. She's not nearly as old as you, Roxanne, and nowhere near full grown. Your mouth, on the other hand, is disgusting. You've attempted to soil Priscilla's good name with it. You expect me to forgive that? I won't.

Just like Priscilla would not forgive Rigaldo or myself if we were to turn on her. [A brief pause, and his smile fades.] I'm afraid Rigaldo raises the most crucial point of all, however.

Even if we had attacked her, we wouldn't have allowed her to survive. That would mean her Awakening, and it would surely mean our deaths.


lovedthedeadone December 11 2011, 23:15:36 UTC
I suppose that makes you... what? Prone to impotent threats? What an unpleasant hobby.

[Roxanne chuckles softly, and shakes her head.]

Anyway, I don't know anything about that girl's name. I'm only looking at the evidence. A power great enough to maul one high ranked warrior and kill another... carrying a bladed weapon...

Well, who knows. Perhaps the girl killed Teresa and mauled herself to cover it up.


silvereyedlion December 12 2011, 07:43:28 UTC
[These warriors and their horrible opinions aren't making it easy for him to not start a fight.]

Or perhaps Teresa attacked her first, and then cut off her own head to avoid incrimination.


Priscilla would not do that. I suggest you consider your evidence a little more before you make any further accusations.


swordofthenorth December 12 2011, 16:28:47 UTC
[Isley understands the sentiment, Rigaldo. Only Roxanne, more than any of the others, is the one that he finds it most difficult to tolerate. If it weren't for this room, the unspoken pact keeping them from tearing each other apart, he would be at Roxanne's throat right now, or maybe buried deep in her rotten guts.]

Let her speak, Rigaldo. Perhaps Roxanne would care to tell us why she is focusing her attention upon those closest to Priscilla.

[It seems rather like something their alleged beast would do.]

Ruling out Teresa and Priscilla as the culprits, because the idea is ludicrous, who else might you point your finger at, Roxanne? Keeping in mind Priscilla's was a surprise attack, and for Teresa to be dead, we might conclude her attack to have begun much the same. That doesn't speak of familiarity to me. It speaks of cowardice, fearfulness, and weakness.


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