[Closed to Claymore Cast]

Dec 09, 2011 18:02

When: December 9th, evening.
Where: Priscilla's bedroom in the Headquarters. Visual references here!
Format: going to go with action!
What: Let's just call it a debriefing, not to mention an excuse to get the castmembers who avoid each other into one place. XD
Warnings: Possible ( Read more... )

miata, helen, tabitha, priscilla, irene, roxanne, flora, deneve, rigaldo, isley

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troublewaking December 10 2011, 02:07:37 UTC
[Helen has no problem coming to Headquarters. She has no problems with Priscilla's bedroom either. She doesn't even have a problem with Isley being there, and that's saying something.]

[It's saying that Teresa's death and whatever caused it took priority.]

[Helen's pacing. Pacing and trembling and feeling more unsteady than she has in a long time. And she's thinking things she doesn't dare say for fear of tipping the balance of the room or herself. She isn't sure which.]

[Did you see? Did you see that? What the hell is going on!]


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troublewaking December 10 2011, 19:47:24 UTC
[Helen jerks a little at the touch, but sighs and lets her shoulders slump a moment later.]


[Flora. She's not one of the ghosts for the simple fact that she didn't survive Pieta. But she was there. She saw the horror of it. And Helen always feels something extra for any warrior who shares those memories with her.]

[Helen calms herself as much as she can.]

This sucks.

[An understatement. But nothing could possibly do these feelings justice anyway.]


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troublewaking December 11 2011, 03:03:30 UTC
Whatever it was must've been unreal.

[Quick and strong and - Helen swallows hard.]

But once we do find out what did this?

[She huffs.]

It can't be strong enough to take us all on at once.

[And then, with more than a little uncertainty.]



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DON'T MIND ME I'M JUST SNEAKING IN HERE DESPITE MY HIATUS my willpower is clearly crumbling twoswordjuniper December 11 2011, 10:50:23 UTC
[Deneve appears from only a few steps away - she's not usually too far from her partner - and gives Flora a small, respectful nod. Both of acknowledgement and agreement. Needless to say, the situation is serious. Little more than dire circumstances could get her into the same room with those beasts from the north. But even for all that, she looks remarkably calm. She's not even glaring at the Silver King or his pet cat.]

Considering what it has been able to do...

[Her eyes move in the direction of the recuperating Claymore whose room they're all in right now. Deneve doesn't know how much Flora knows about Priscilla's power yet, and even though the number 2 doesn't remotely describe it, it is sort of a start.]

We need more information before anyone sincerely attempts to hunt it. Even in groups.


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/clings to Deneve! troublewaking December 12 2011, 02:37:35 UTC
So we just have to wait.

[Helen sighs and finds a chair to sit down in. She can't say that she hates that plan. Hell, she probably prefers it. She doesn't want to see anyone die, especially not one of her fellow warriors. And especially especially not the ones she knows and loves best.]

Hey. You don't think...

[Helen trails off there, shakes her head hard enough that the room spins.]


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