lestrangestone and
lumenrelegandusWhen: Let's timewarp so that it's simultaneously
right after this yet current.
Where: The gazebo in the park
Format: Starting with prose but dinna care!
What: More Bella atonement? More eternal reincarnation.
Warnings: Erm...?
Stuff Lupin references are
this (hill fight, wandiness),
this (fast gazebo times),
this (they've been here before), and of course
all this. And everything else.
The level of violence you can evoke in a person...
He'd stood on the blasted hillside, and looked at her bound, and thoughts went through him had nothing to do with him. Things he was incapable of. Things he was capable of but still wouldn't do. It hadn't been temptation to do them. It had been the inescapability of their potential. Suddenly at hand, before the eyes, oppressive in the air. She made their potential loom closer. He saw himself doing things that simply were not going to happen; but they were possible, and she reminded the world of that-made more immediate that world.
He could never go to the Door without thinking about that fight; and every time he thought of it it seemed he'd never left. A wand in either hand: forgiveness and damnation, healing and torture, Lily's and Bellatrix's.
He had Bellatrix's wand again now. He'd got it last time by battling, disarming and cursing her. He had it now because Tonks had given it to him. Because she couldn't trust what she might do with it, after battling, disarming, and cursing Lestrange.
Lily's wand was still in the coat pocket on which he'd attempted to simulate the magic of a
mokeskin pouch. It had been there, not to be parted with, since… that same day. (Unimaginable. It was all one day.)
Now he stood waiting in the gazebo where he'd walked with Io, sat with her, talked together, and… (Oh god.) Why had he suggested he meet Bellatrix here. It polluted those memories. Or made him distracted and vulnerable in this situation to be so close to them. Or perhaps it was that he needed those opposing forces of existential possibility in order to stand in any state of neutrality. Reality could contain unspeakably violent hatred and horror. It could also contain unpredictable, unimaginable tenderness and acceptance.
Somewhere between those states, oddly untouched or trying not to be overwhelmed, he waited for her.
Have they or have they not been here before.