Now it seems I’m fading / All my dreams are not worth saving

Dec 07, 2011 17:08

Who: Ginko (iattractmushi) and OPEN
When: December 7
Where: Anywhere and everywhere, around Anatole.
Format: Action/prose? Idk.
What: Ginko goes exploring/wandering. Who or what will he meet?
Warnings: There might be a little swearing? Idk. Will change as needed.

Ginko breathed out, watching his breath puff into white as it left his mouth. It was still snowing but it really wasn't that bad, and he didn't know nearly enough about his new 'home.' He still had to get a job, too... but first things first. And knowing more about this place was definitely 'first.'

With that thought in mind, he tugged his scarf up a little higher and pulled his coat a little closer around himself, and trudged off into the white-shrouded world.

[Yeah, so he's just. Wandering through the snow. And poking his nose through open doors, hopefully ones that he's supposed to be poking through, but you know. Whatever! Just post where your character is meeting him in the subject line and I'll adjust accordingly.]

freya, shirley, ginko

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