do you know lysistrata? from the aristophanes drama?

Dec 01, 2011 22:33

Who: ilmentore and 'errbody else who wants to? IT'S A PARTY.
When: VARIOUS TIMES including 11/23 (noon), 11/22 (evening), and OTHER TIMES
Where: various locations!
Warnings: lol nope.

[ assassins are busy people, okay? they do a lot of things! (most of that is wander about on roofs, but i digress.) anatole is different from his usual busy! there are no networks for him to work off of, he has to build everything up himself.

GOOD THING HE IS SO GOSH DARN CHARMING. so, how are they meeting? random run in at the market? watched him catch a pickpocket (and then let them go)? maybe he just wandered into wherever you work? the bookstore/library? the thing is, he stays off the roofs today (IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF HIS KNEES dammit) and is charming and stuff.

seriously though, don't pick a fight with him, he's got knives and bombs and poison and a gun and poison darts stashed away also he can still kick your ass six ways to next week.

but damn, he knows how to pick a suit. (that's a lie, he just has an excellent tailor.) ]

miata, freya, claudia auditore da firenze, william t. spears, ezio auditore da firenze, sebastian michaelis

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