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Jan 19, 2010 22:06

Who: Itachi Uchiha (uchihaweasel), Akasuna no Sasori (eternalscorpion)
When: After this
Where: Free apartments
Format: Paragraph, first person
What: The usual business
Warnings: None?

Itachi had never been one for cordial receptions, particularly when they were not advantageous in some way.

Things in Anatole were changing rapidly, however, and he was well aware that rapid adaptation would be necessary to survive those changes. It was a strange and unfamiliar concept to him, striving for his own survival, when he had spent so many years working diligently toward his own death... but now was not the time to dwell upon the past.

There were things that he wanted to achieve, some for his own sake, the majority for Sasuke's, and in order to accomplish those goals, there there certain other things he would have to be willing to do. He would need to remain in fair health, for starters, which entailed staying alive, but more importantly it meant adopting a willingness to work with others...

Naruto was one such individual he had been willing to cooperate with here in Anatole thus far, and Sasori was another, each possessing a knack for dealing with others, and both in their own unique way.

Since terminating the connection with the former Akatsuki member over the Forge, Itachi had contemplated all that he might say. He had some idea now, of course, and all that was left to do was wait for Sasori to arrive.

sasori, -incomplete, itachi uchiha

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