
Nov 21, 2011 23:23

Who: reddenedrage & kit_katze.
When: Some time after this.
Where: Around the city, possibly Dismas.
Format: Initially prose, whichever after!
What: Mika is bored. Katze agreed to help with this.
Warnings: Mika's mouth, basically. Will update if this changes.

The language you speak has traces of fire. )

michael, katze

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kit_katze November 22 2011, 06:52:50 UTC
Katze was leaning against a wall, having a cigarette. He didn't want to think of how many this made, simply that he was well and truly addicted again. There hadn't been concrete plans but he was here, and accessible.

He'd chosen a place where no one could surprise him. Never the less, as he watched people amble by he couldn't help but feel exposed. This wasn't his world. He couldn't blend in quite as well.

He was looking for Michael, or what he assumed Michael looked like from broadcasts. He spotted hair first, and lifted a hand, silent in greeting.


reddenedrage November 29 2011, 02:43:58 UTC
Luckily enough, Michael was spotted first. He caught the movement from the corner of his vision, and glanced up, scanning the person attached. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he walked over to stop in front of the other, looking him up and down. Michael grimaced lightly. Tall. Tall enough at least to provide a sharp contrast to himself. "Katze, right?" he said gruffly.

He glanced away, looked over the crowd once. Then swallowed the annoyance for now, looking back with a small grin. "So what are you up to doing?"


kit_katze November 29 2011, 06:35:30 UTC
"Right." It was a little blunt and Katze paused a moment. "Michael?" It always was nice enough to make sure, and it started things off on the right foot when names were remembered correctly.

Out of habit, Katze offered his cigarette case out in case Michael wanted one. "Anything," He replied, crooked smile on his lips. "I'm afraid I find myself in the wind without anyone purchasing my time."

He glanced around. "There are gambling dens. Places to get drinks or food."


reddenedrage November 29 2011, 23:05:54 UTC
Okay, names exchanged so that at least clarified. Mika grimaced at the case, waving it off. "Ain't that the truth of things," he replied. "For a big place, there's not a whole lot to keep you busy."

Least in the way of Michael's likes. Miata was a decent distraction, Raphael another, but he had to find something to keep himself more occupied. The angel crossed his arms over his chest, considering. "Not really one for gambling." Michael looked over at Katze curiously. "But if you're still up for exploring and stuff, I'm game for that."


kit_katze December 1 2011, 01:50:49 UTC
"Not unless you're a noble white knight trying to make a name for himself," Katze agreed. Not that, he supposed, there was anything wrong with that. But saving the masses and killing monsters hardly interested him. It wasn't clean and precise and orderly.

"We could explore," He agreed, hands automatically checking for a weapon. Blunt and projectile; he was set. "There were some interesting buildings near the East border of Dismas I was meaning to look at."


reddenedrage December 1 2011, 22:08:59 UTC
Michael snorted at the insinuation, shaking his head. "Nah, there's enough of those types around to need any more." Enough people high and mighty and full of self-righteousness to rival some angels. Michael glanced back over the crowd, then scanned upward, watching the sky. Nothing. But habits held.

He glanced back at Katze, giving him a cocky smile. "Sounds good to me. Lead the way."


kit_katze December 3 2011, 02:44:19 UTC
Katze flicked away his matches, and his pack of cigarettes. He started to walk, but he doubted that long stride was comfortable for Michael, or really anyone unused to it.

He headed through the alleys he'd mentally mapped out. Old habits died hard. "I haven't yet determined if there's much of a way to turn a profit by knowing what's around...sometimes there are little gems that can be sold but sometimes there are just rats and rotten floor boards."


reddenedrage December 5 2011, 22:46:51 UTC
Not comfortable, no, but when all that existed in Heaven but you seemed to be long-legged giants, you got used to walking quickly or bitching. Which Michael did. Greatly and at length. Fact remained. He jogged a few steps before getting used to the rhythm and adjusted, pulling his hands up and locking them behind his head.

Profits weren't really interesting, but the mention of gems made Mika start thinking of other things. He was really quite simple in his likes. Take a child and times it by ten. The angel looked over at Katze curiously. "Nothing like hidden treasure or secret places? A place this big has to have something like that."


kit_katze December 6 2011, 02:00:57 UTC
"Treasures and secret places?" Katze looked at him for a moment, amber eyes amused. It was endearing, in a way. His mind had been so focused on economics for so long, it was rare he actually did anything just for the fun of it.

"We could look for those too. There are the tunnels...but there are creatures there." Katze had a laser gun, but he rarely invited trouble. "We could look in the more prestigious looking buildings. It's amazing what people hide and never come back to retrieve."


reddenedrage December 8 2011, 21:34:29 UTC
Michael made a face, not understanding the reason for the repeat. "Yeah, like... Buried treasure or dragon bones! Or secret passages, maybe...." Those existed, for sure, but usually required too much subterfuge and investigation for Michael to put any real effort into it. He'd explore and look for things, to be certain, but without any reward for that work, there wasn't anything to keep his attention going.

"Both of those options sound fun," he gave with a smile. "I can take care of any creatures that pop up, but I wonder what people left laying around...." Something unique, maybe. A weird statue that gave a curse or something. The angel shrugged, indifferent. "Your pick. I'm following you around today." The guy had said he'd been here for a few months, right? "What do you do when you're not gambling or exploring?"


kit_katze December 10 2011, 03:20:08 UTC
"I read. I exist. I look around the Forge," Katze answered. He tinkered with electronics and attempted to hack, but neither of those things he felt comfortable discussing just now. Too many prying ears.

He decided to head to the formerly upscale part of Anatole. It was run down now, and there were crumbling and abandoned mansions among the better kept houses. He found one he'd been eying, mostly due to the large hedges that concealed it from passers-by.

"And what do you do?" Michael was, strangely, reminding him of a Pet. Never to mature beyond a certain physical look and emotional limit.


reddenedrage December 13 2011, 02:20:10 UTC
A sedate life. Probably more prone for someone like Uriel, despite that guy being a beast in battle. Katze didn't seem too much like the fighting type, but the fact of being knowledgeable about the things that went on had made him interesting to the angel. The man's personality was likable, which was very seldom with Michael ( ... )


kit_katze December 14 2011, 03:07:43 UTC
Katze smiled a bit, awkwardly. "Should I inquire about the fights? I believe those are frowned upon if they aren't exploited for entertainment purposes." He knew about the Arena, but not any side fights if such a thing existed here.

He pushed open a rusty gate, one eyebrow lifting. "Tranny bitch?" That was a curious term, not that he had too much interest except that it was knowledge of someone else here. He gestured Michael ahead of him. It was polite, and if anything broke under his slighter weight Katze would know not to proceed.

The mansion was crumbling in places, but it looked as though it had quite a bit of furniture. Some paintings were even still on the walls. "It's odd. Seeing how many places are just left like this."


reddenedrage December 15 2011, 06:55:05 UTC
Michael stopped for a moment in apparent disbelief. "Wait, they don't want people to fight here? Fucking hell, man. I've been getting in fights left and right." A couple were sparring matches, sure, but some were down and out methods of destruction. Michael had the ruined clothes and healed scars to prove it. "That's just stupid."

Luckily, Katze's second question was a bit easier. The angel rolled his eyes. "That asshole Benten. Dresses like a skank for show and has a bitch attitude. Can fight at least. It's the only good quality that one has." As he finished speaking, he nodded, moving ahead. The floor creaked, but other than that seemed sturdy. He cast a look back at the other's remark. "Was there some kind of disaster or something?"


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