[open] We [won't] waste our lights in vain

Nov 10, 2011 01:22

When: Wednesday nights
Where: The dojo
Format: Action, prose, poetry, quotation, rhetorical-pastoral-comical, anything!
What: This month's Shakespeare readings.
Note/proposed structure: My current thought is to put up one master log a month, with a fresh post linking back to it each week for that week's play. An experiment in seeing if I can reconcile the factors of periodic separate events w. a sense of the larger continuance; something that could prove an interesting totality, yet light-impact, needn't be regimental/chore-like/too repetitive in installments. Am I overthinking? 'Course I am; it's Lupin. We'll see what's what!
Warnings: This was a completely spontaneous idea I didn't bother even thinking out let alone planning with anyone else. ;-) So please don't wait for my permission to play around with it! If a stronger organizational hand proves needed/wanted, Loop and I will step up, but I have no problem seeing how it starts with anarchy! So I have no idea how tags should proceed-I'd love to see anything that inspires you. Your character's rendition of a monologue? (Performed for the room or kept internal?) Two characters reading out a scene together? A character sitting and reflecting? And/or snarking? Whatever tickles your fancy! Asses' ears on and GO. IC, if someone wants to try reading a scene that someone else just read, Lupin would encourage doing it more than once, so if someone grabs the monologue you want, doesn't mean you shouldn't have a go as well! If your character wants to react to someone else reading the monologue, Lupin will by default read anything else that no one else claims, so you can always go ahead and say he's reading, if anyone's needed.
Alternately, if this goes nowhere in terms of playing it out, but is something we'd like to simply handwave as a part of Anatolean life, that suits me fine too!

Week I . Play 1: As You Like It

!remus lupin, nymphadora tonks

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